View Full Version : HELP new boots not comftable

11-03-2013, 01:04 PM
I have just bought a pair of new boots after reading various reviews and a special offer decided for meindle Vacuum they are a bit higher in the leg than i usually
wear but felt solid and light but after a hour and half walking the front of my shin became quite sore and aching their was no rubbing anywhere and i dont suffer shin splints. Have i worn them to tight, i did the recommended walk 5 mins then tighten laces.Should i take them straight back and exchange them, persist as they may take a while to stretch and fit change the lace up configeration? :mad:

11-03-2013, 01:09 PM
Where did you buy them?


11-03-2013, 01:22 PM
Go Outdoors

11-03-2013, 01:25 PM
I'd be tempted to clean the soles really really well and take them back. You may get lucky but normally, wearing the boots outdoors will mean they won't take them back.

If you do get a second chance, buy them from a proper shop where they'll measure your feet up properly and won't let you buy the wrong boots in the first place. You will pay more for this service but it's a lot cheaper than being stuck with a pair of ill fitting boots.


11-03-2013, 01:26 PM
If they are higher than you are used to try a different lacing configuration. It can help I had to change the lacing pattern on my Meindl Mountain Crack Pro's but they are fully rigid montain boots which is why they hurt my shins


11-03-2013, 01:27 PM
That's bad news. An awful lot of money to shell out for something that causes you discomfort. I have Meindl Dovre Extreme GTX. I tried everal other boots in the hope that a cheaper pair would be just as good. But.... in the end I had to admit that on fitting and subsequent treks out and about the boots have proven all the people who recomended them to me correct.
I had a similar problem with a pair of boots a while back and had to suffer 2 days of pain before the boots broke in. I didn't think there was any breaking in required with Meindls though. I hope you get it sorted.

11-03-2013, 09:18 PM
Found mine to be very comfortable but they are mid rather than high length. Is it just down to your shin having to work against the restriction of the boot in a way that you are not used too?

12-03-2013, 10:36 AM
Gutted for you mate, hope you can get it sorted before this weekend.... cheers Ian...

Kernowek Scouser
12-03-2013, 01:16 PM
This sounds like something that happened to me when I last bought new boots. They were also higher in the leg than my previous pair, but I gave them a good test in the shop (walking around it several times, up and down the stairs) as it being Sports Direct, getting my feet properly measured was not an option on offer. They felt fine on my feet, so after exasperating the shop staff for half an hour with my in store trials, I felt confident enough in them to part with my hard earned cash.

The shop is in Penzance, I live near St Ives 6/7 miles away, it was a bright winters day and I had a good two hours of light to play with, so I decided to break them in walking home. By the time I got home I was in agony, not because my feet hurt, they were fine, but my shins felt like someone had taken a hammer to them to tap out 'DON'T BREAK IN NEW BOOTS WALKING SEVERAL MILES UP AN DOWN CORNISH HILLS' in Morse code.

Like you I contemplated cleaning and returning the boots the next day, but events prevented me from doing so. I did manage a spare five minutes to check my shins though and although still sore, there was no marks on them, checked the boots too and could see nothing obvious that could be the cause of my discomfort. So with the shop now closed for the day and a gnawing determination not to be beaten by a pair of boots, I decided to pop out for a gentle evening stroll in them.

My shins were soon screaming again, so I found a handy bench to park my backside, took the boot off re-laced them, summoned testicular fortitude and set off again, the shins soon began screaming again, but not hysterically so as before, so I stopped at another bench, re-jigged the laces a third time, had a brew (I felt I had earned it at that point) and a chewy bar and set off a third time. There was still discomfort, but nowhere near as pronounced as before, so I resoled to repeat the exercise the next day to sea if I could walk through the pain. I did and I could, as the pain was not nearly as intense as before. Same again for the next couple of days and although there was still some discomfort, it troubled me less and less each day. After a week or so my shins fell silent and a good year on, I'm still out and about in them (when my now dodgy knee allows me).

I should point out that the boots I have are not Meindl Vakuum, but the much cheaper Karrimor Orkney 5's. However, looking at some pictures of the Mendl boots, I'd wager they are not that much higher up your leg than my Karrimor's are up mine, so my experience may have a bearing on your current situation.

So if you can not return them (and if you haven't tried already, your chances of getting a swap are rapidly diminishing) I'd suggest you experiment with the lacing configuration, find the one that causes you least discomfort, then walk through the pain.

Good luck,


​I could have just gone with that last sentence, but I had time to kill and thought my experience might be of use to you :D

12-03-2013, 01:55 PM
Firstly thanks to everyone for comments and advice, a problem shared is a problem halved.Thats why i asked T^ Ive been out again today i thought if the store will exchange one more bimble wouldnt do any harm, I used a different configeration in the lace up, not as tight up top and tied lower down had re-ajust the lace up a few times while out still no problems on feet ankle etc and hey presto no pain on shins did around 8 miles so good, but rightly or wrongly i have come to the conclusion that the boot has corrected/ or changed my gait Does anyone know weather this could have a adverse health issue, cos still not sure ?