View Full Version : Protecting our bees

14-03-2013, 05:03 PM
European campaign to protect our bees from the use of certain pesticides.

Click here to find out more and help with the cause http://www.avaaz.org/en/bye_bye_killers_uk/?cHnGrbb

14-03-2013, 05:36 PM
Nice one just sent one off, thanks for bringing it to my attention

14-03-2013, 05:52 PM

14-03-2013, 05:55 PM
Nice one just sent one off, thanks for bringing it to my attention too !

14-03-2013, 06:09 PM
Nice one just sent one off, thanks for bringing it to my attention


14-03-2013, 06:17 PM
Already put me name down on that, but well done for putting it on here Justin :0)

14-03-2013, 06:34 PM
All three of us done that...

14-03-2013, 06:43 PM
me too. http://yoursmiles.org/rsmile/pozitive/p0112.gif (http://yoursmiles.org/r-pozitive.php)

14-03-2013, 09:01 PM
Sent one ;).

14-03-2013, 10:48 PM
one from me too.. thanx

15-03-2013, 05:12 PM
Just a word of caution folks. All is not as it seems with this petition.

Unfortunately, it is based on misinformation and third party accusations that are untrue.

Please don't get me wrong, I have absolutely nothing against Jus_young for posting the thread, quite the opposite intact, I have loads of respect for you buddy. But as I said, there is a lot more to this than meets the eye by certain pressure groups who have twisted bits of info for their own needs.


15-03-2013, 06:37 PM
Just a word of caution folks. All is not as it seems with this petition.

Unfortunately, it is based on misinformation and third party accusations that are untrue.

Please don't get me wrong, I have absolutely nothing against Jus_young for posting the thread, quite the opposite intact, I have loads of respect for you buddy. But as I said, there is a lot more to this than meets the eye by certain pressure groups who have twisted bits of info for their own needs.


Have you got any more info or links on that Adrian..?

15-03-2013, 07:15 PM
It's really quite a tricky one this Jonny as there are lots of politics and big business involved.

I can't say too much as I am governed by certain legal constraints, as is a colleague of mine who is government bee expert.

However, in short the main pesticides in question are known as neonicotinoids which are used in farming.

There are two issues that are currently clouding the waters.
Firstly, there is a common misconception that the pesticide companies such as Bayer are "paying" the British Bee Keepers Association for their endorsement of the chemicals.
Whereas the reality is that these companies have actually worked with the BBKA to manufacture safe pesticides.
Lets face it, the BBKA wouldn't endorse a chemical that would directly harm the bee's.

Secondly, the belief that the chemicals harms the bee's is untrue. The neonicotinoids when used "as per manufacturers instructions" are safe to use. The problem occurs when farmers use too strong a concentration.

What happens is that the plants are sprayed, then during the night the plants/crops etc exude liquid/dew etc which contains the "over strength" pesticide. The bee then drinks the fluid, interacts with the plant for pollen etc.

When they return to the hive, the rest of the bee's will refuse them entry as they smell wrong. This leads to the bee eventually dying as can be seen by the number of dead bees around hives.

The farmers will obviously use a stronger concentration of pesticide to safeguard their crops.

Hope this helps folks.


15-03-2013, 07:40 PM
What a messed up world we live in eh.. Because there are so many people on this planet, we have to spray all this junk over our food to keep "pests" off.

15-03-2013, 07:58 PM
What a messed up world we live in eh.. Because there are so many people on this planet, we have to spray all this junk over our food to keep "pests" off.

I agree buddy. But the problem is that the more we spray, the more the insects evolve and become resistant just like how we are resistant to most antibiotics then we will need to create stronger sprays.

With the worldwide demand for food,especially cereal crops outstripping supply then the farmers will do everything they can to protect their income.

The problem is that is by action of omission, if farming corporations don't sort themselves out, they will eventually kill all the bee's that are so intrinsically linked to the success of those crops.


15-03-2013, 08:16 PM
I agree buddy. But the problem is that the more we spray, the more the insects evolve and become resistant just like how we are resistant to most antibiotics then we will need to create stronger sprays.

With the worldwide demand for food,especially cereal crops outstripping supply then the farmers will do everything they can to protect their income.

The problem is that is by action of omission, if farming corporations don't sort themselves out, they will eventually kill all the bee's that are so intrinsically linked to the success of those crops.


Not an easy one, is it..! Buying organic food is best, but the suppliers could never keep up with demand World wide.
I wish our leaders would help out our farmers in this country more so we as a country could be more self sufficient, but many of our fields are being built on for half of europe who seem to like living over here.. Thats digressing though.. Bees are not just affected by sprays, the weather has hit them big time, many bee keepers have been extracting too much honey and not leaving enough for the bees, the varroah (sp..?) mite is a big bee killer and the transportation of bees has been proved to be bad for them.

We have three hives here, but they have not been used for years. My Janie is going on a bee course this year and is hoping to start up a colony here.

16-03-2013, 03:41 AM
We have a problem here too. With all the farmers here it's crucial that we protect this vitally important resource.

16-03-2013, 02:02 PM
If you want to support such I may suggest this link :wink:

29-04-2013, 05:07 PM
Don't know if anyone can help, but I'll ask anyway as you're such a knowledgeable bunch here. A bee (possibly a queen or a bumble bee) keeps climbing up the tumble dryer outlet pipe. I suspect it's trying to nest. I'm getting quite practiced pulling out the work surface, pulling out the tumble dryer disconnecting the pipe, letting the bee crawl out and then assisting it out of the window.

Does anyone know of a natural substance that might deter said bee? I don't wish it any harm and I'm sure it would be better off nesting elsewhere.



30-04-2013, 10:54 AM
Don't know if anyone can help, but I'll ask anyway as you're such a knowledgeable bunch here. A bee (possibly a queen or a bumble bee) keeps climbing up the tumble dryer outlet pipe. I suspect it's trying to nest. I'm getting quite practiced pulling out the work surface, pulling out the tumble dryer disconnecting the pipe, letting the bee crawl out and then assisting it out of the window.

Does anyone know of a natural substance that might deter said bee? I don't wish it any harm and I'm sure it would be better off nesting elsewhere.



You could try tying some old tights over the outlet to stop her getting in.
After all they've been used to keep certain dirty mites out for years..........


05-05-2013, 08:06 PM
You could try tying some old tights over the outlet to stop her getting in.
After all they've been used to keep certain dirty mites out for years..........

