View Full Version : Adive pls Loch etive anyone

17-03-2013, 08:20 AM
Be greateful if any one knows if theres any local boat hire from taynute over to the north west side , which im told theres no road on this side of the loch ? Myself & cousin john are planning going on a wild camp for four days to a week. Im hoping to record some off it for uploading to youtube , be doin a kit review , tarp sett-up & some bushcraft as well as a hike up one of the hills to capture a stunning view of etive forest & the two u-shaped mountains in front.
Im kinda nervous about it as i gave my word i would look after him to his muther from (one of the roughest parts of scotland) , how do i explain to her i was making fried chicken & i fried him !!!!!
Oh dear this little black book with all my skills iv jotted down for over 3 yrs better be correct or im fried chicken. :confused2:

17-03-2013, 08:28 AM
No idea about boat hire, but Loch Etive is stunning.
I can recommend Curved ridge if you are going up the Bookle.

17-03-2013, 08:34 AM
No idea about boat hire, but Loch Etive is stunning.
I can recommend Curved ridge if you are going up the Bookle.

cheers jonny , yes it is so thought it would be a nice place to upload a film about our adventure , only thing iv got to play with is a new friend (bushcrafter) on the tube advised me to get in touch with the Tourist board but il hang on in case any one has info on here as i seen one vid with guys puting there bikes on a boat with an old hand taking them over so its looking good . Only got to may as my cousin is a manager of a major food store player & taking time off & driving us up so dont want to let big cousin down & he is a big guy LOL.

17-03-2013, 09:50 AM
Have a search on the "Song of the paddle" forum. I expect you could find something about the Loch on there..

17-03-2013, 11:00 AM
Have a search on the "Song of the paddle" forum. I expect you could find something about the Loch on there..

Why didnt i think of that , thats where il get the answer im looking for......your a star jonnyp thanks a mil.

17-03-2013, 07:29 PM
Or you could try -
David :wink:

17-03-2013, 09:21 PM
Thanks david i got the answer i needed , im a member of sop but not on it much as i dont have a canou or kayake or experience with boats hence mostly for info which i forgot on this occasion all about it , ages since i was on . Still im checking that site out too it looks good for info cheers & again to johnnp ;-)