View Full Version : BAHCO one and a quarter pound axe

18-03-2013, 05:58 PM
Hi ALL, bought a cheap Bahco axe off FLEABAY £13.35 inc P+P. Looks wise I wasn't so keen on the shape of the head and the finish could be improved on so I set about modifying it a little This is the result:- 75007501750275037504

Cut head to shape using a hacksaw, then some gentle use of an angle grinder to clean up edges. Head was a touch rough so set about removing deep marks with a fine grade flap wheel on angle grinder and then by hand using finer grades of emery paper, ended up using polishing mops on bench grinder to get that mirror finish "there are some slight marks still visible, but it is a working tool". Rubbed down handle with fine sandpaper and used Danish oil to finish off. I quite like it myself, others might think I have ruined a perfectly good axe.

18-03-2013, 06:01 PM
You must have some patience, love the finish T^

18-03-2013, 06:02 PM
Looks good m8! Thx for sharing that. T^ :)

18-03-2013, 06:37 PM
I prefer the mark II to the original


Ben Casey
18-03-2013, 06:39 PM
Looks really good mate I have some work for you :)

18-03-2013, 07:05 PM
Duplicate post

18-03-2013, 07:08 PM
[QUOTE=Ehecatl;74699]I prefer the mark II to the original

Which is which, I didn't know there were two. This is the one I started with:-


18-03-2013, 07:10 PM
You should be proud of that, it's great when you personalize something and really make it your own. lovely looking bit of kit. T^

18-03-2013, 07:31 PM
Me thinks Ehecatl has "got me again" I think the penny has dropped, OH DAMN

18-03-2013, 07:32 PM
Thank's for the kind words gentlemen, the axe has drawn first blood. Ouch me finger lol.

18-03-2013, 07:50 PM
New Discovery program I think
"Pimp my axe" ha!


18-03-2013, 07:54 PM
Very nice work of art :wink:

18-03-2013, 08:51 PM
New Discovery program I think
"Pimp my axe" ha!


Came oh so close to spitting my drink all over the keyboard. :happy-clapping:

19-03-2013, 11:48 AM
Thank's for the kind words fella's.

19-03-2013, 01:29 PM
Hi ALL, bought a cheap Bahco axe off FLEABAY £13.35 inc P+P. Looks wise I wasn't so keen on the shape of the head and the finish could be improved on so I set about modifying it a little This is the result:- 75007501750275037504

Cut head to shape using a hacksaw, then some gentle use of an angle grinder to clean up edges. Head was a touch rough so set about removing deep marks with a fine grade flap wheel on angle grinder and then by hand using finer grades of emery paper, ended up using polishing mops on bench grinder to get that mirror finish "there are some slight marks still visible, but it is a working tool". Rubbed down handle with fine sandpaper and used Danish oil to finish off. I quite like it myself, others might think I have ruined a perfectly good axe.

lovely job :cool: now lets see how long you can keep it clean lol T^

Ben Casey
21-03-2013, 09:17 PM
I tell you what mate it looks good on the pictures but to see it this afternoon well all I can say is WOW and it is shiny I WANT IT LOL

21-03-2013, 09:19 PM
wow! hard to believe its the same thing!!
excellent job T^

21-03-2013, 10:57 PM
T^ nice work lad

21-03-2013, 11:44 PM
T^ nice work can't believe its the same thing

22-03-2013, 11:30 AM
Thank's fella's, it's supprising what you get up to and what you can do when boredom sets in and you start to play eh. :p

27-03-2013, 07:52 AM
I'm gonna try that when I get a buffer (probably never) :p

Ben Casey
12-04-2013, 07:39 PM
Thanks for doing my axe for me :)

12-04-2013, 07:49 PM
You're welcome Ben, as long as you're happy with it mate, By the way the warranty ran out when you went out the door. LOL

13-04-2013, 12:34 PM
Now that's what I call “product improvement”! T^

Ben Casey
20-04-2013, 05:25 PM
Cheers for doing mine mate T^



20-04-2013, 05:45 PM
That's one ambitious project you got going on there, a bigger axe would be better for cutting up wood that size mate, or are you making a bowl out of it.

20-04-2013, 05:58 PM
Nice work mate. Shame you changed the head shape though. Take it from me, that axe is the best shape and weight out of ANY axe for an all rounder.

Mirror polish is nice......but...pointless on a working tool :)You will only be annoyed when it gets stained with patina or rusts...... and i do mean when....not if. Keeping it such a state, will annoy the hell out of you after a bit, take it from a man who has tried. It will also shorten the life of your tool.

Enjoy it though, they are great axes. :)

Ben Casey
20-04-2013, 06:11 PM
Hi Mate

Na I was trying to get the reflective shine to show of for your handy work :D I know they will be soon be dirty and rusty but they look good at the minute :)


That's one ambitious project you got going on there, a bigger axe would be better for cutting up wood that size mate, or are you making a bowl out of it.

20-04-2013, 06:21 PM
Nice work mate. Shame you changed the head shape though. Take it from me, that axe is the best shape and weight out of ANY axe for an all rounder.

Mirror polish is nice......but...pointless on a working tool :)You will only be annoyed when it gets stained with patina or rusts...... and i do mean when....not if. Keeping it such a state, will annoy the hell out of you after a bit, take it from a man who has tried. It will also shorten the life of your tool.

Enjoy it though, they are great axes. :)

Hello mate, Bens axe is not the Bahco 1.25lb axe, I think he got it from BandQ and nothing altered on that one other than polishing. The altered Bahco was a boredom thing and I was just seeing what could be "made of it". I agree the polishing will be a pain in the butt to keep it that way and after the first use it will most likely be scratched. One thing you mentioned, you say it will shorten the life of the tool. How will polishing shorten the life.
As you know the Bahco's are very reasonably priced, with that in mind it would not be the end of the world if I had to replace it and I would never mess about with a more expensive axe.
I'll do my best to enjoy it anyway and I will let you know when I have
given up and let it go rusty. LOL

Thank's for your comments, your opinion is greatly received.


20-04-2013, 10:21 PM
Polishing takes away metal, wouldnt polish othewise :) Only small amounts, so keeping polished is always taking away small amounts of material. I know its only small amounts. But if you look at fully polished custom knife, the angles/plunge lines are always rounded off, because the polishing has taken away all the edges. One polish isn't much, but 10, 20 , 30? All adds up :)

Of course this is just assuming a lifetime of keeping it polished, which is what i assume myself when i see someone polish an axe to such a degree. I just think that the person likes the polished look....nothing wrong with that at all... so i hope i dont come across as criticising. :) Its just a lot of work with carbon steels for a look :)

Can't fault the Bahco axes for price and quality. Though, they do need a good sharpen and a sand down to get the paint off. :) Worth a couple of hours work though for being £35 cheaper than a wildlife hatchet and a much better all round axe than any other....including the small forest.:)

21-04-2013, 06:14 PM
Ah, I see what you mean now with constant polishing/material removal. You are correct about the amount of work involved getting a good polish, close up though there are scratches to be seen. I doubt I will be keen enough to keep up with the polishing after every use, though would give it a wipe with an oily rag to slow down Mr Oxide a bit. Like you say they are good value £13.25 and free P+P from fleabay, bought based on the good advice you gave me a while back about these particular axes and your comments are valued and not taken as criticism.

Cheers mate............... Dave