View Full Version : Thinking of getting the Honey Stove, Still recomended?

20-03-2013, 05:59 PM
Today I've been thinking of buying the Honey Stove since I have a annoying addiction to buying new kit before I have even tried others I already have. I haven't had chance to test any of gear out in field yet but been looking for a good combination and balance between weight, size, compactness and functionality.

So question is, who else has/uses the Honey Stove or is there any newer/better alternatives (excluding ti version & pocket stove) for a light multi fuel stove that compacts down as good as it?

Kernowek Scouser
20-03-2013, 06:29 PM
You could have a look at the Vargo Hexagonal Stove. It is primarily a wood burning stove, but you can also use it with a meths burner or solid fuel.
There are two versions: stainless steel (http://www.thebushcraftstore.co.uk/vargo-hexagon-backpacking-stove---stainless-steel-9139-p.asp) and titanium (http://There are two versions stainless steel and titanium). Links are just for illustration, you may find them cheaper elsewhere

Dimensions: 4” height x 5” base diameter x 3” top diameter
Weight - stainless steel: 7.4 oz.
Weight - titanium: 4.1 oz.
Both version come with a carry case

GlenM (http://www.naturalbushcraft.co.uk/forum/member.php?3065-GlenM) brought his to last years RV and it was a very impressive, compact piece of kit (can't remember which version it was though).

Might be for you, might not.



Bob W
20-03-2013, 08:21 PM
I bought one recently, it's a good bit of kit and has been making my brews when fishing since I got it. I got the SS version, the Ti was stretching my pocket just a bit too much. I'll be getting the hive extension soon, a bit more room on the grill for cooking for two.

20-03-2013, 08:46 PM
I have a Honeystove and like it very much. It's versatile and easy to use but can be fiddly to assemble.
I have heard from people I know that the Element2.2 is a very good little stove too.

20-03-2013, 10:01 PM
I've got the Honey, Vargo hex, and the Element (I know - I need help :o).

All are good. I find the Honey fiddley to put together especially with cold hands. Will be selling it shortly I think. Other folk have no problems with it.
The Vargo and Element are easier to use, act as their own windshield and can also hold a meths stove (of various types). Having the hinged panels makes life a lot easier.

20-03-2013, 11:05 PM
I like the Honey Stove and the flexibility of a decent sized wood fire or meths if need be. The bit I don't like is the weight of the stainless version but I can't justify the cost of the Ti one yet. They can be a bit of a fiddle to put together but you get used to it.

21-03-2013, 06:37 AM
Thanks for replies/recommendations guys gunna have a good look and think.

andy t
21-03-2013, 07:27 AM
I went for the honey stove. I was thinking of getting the vargo but after seeing one i think they are too small to be a woodburner.

21-03-2013, 09:07 AM
i have the honey stove, yes they are a bit fiddly to put together, but remember folks, take it easy, stay calm and concentrate, its going to take a couple of minutes to get this sorted... not a lifetime, and the resulting super little stove will be supplying you with the means to get ya pot on~!

i like it because it folds up small and packs away in its own little pouch keeping everything else clean in my mess gear, it also fits in the bottom of my billy taking up nearly zero room, all good really.

i guess you could say i like it!.....T^


21-03-2013, 02:01 PM
I might go for a Honey Stove myself, but I'm also considering an Emberlit stove (http://www.amazon.com/Emberlit-Camping-Stove-Stainless-Steel/dp/B00ADUYW9M/ref=pd_sim_sg_22). Anyone have thoughts on it?

Kernowek Scouser
21-03-2013, 07:27 PM
The Emberlit looks like a slightly lower spec version of the Element Wood Burning Stove (http://www.outdoortrailgear.com/featured/element-woodburning-stove/), mentioned by Peaks and both are the same price.

Maybe you could treat yourself to one this month and the other next month, try em out side by side, keep the one you like more and flog the other?

21-03-2013, 09:50 PM
T^ cool il have to have a look might get one thanks

22-03-2013, 08:51 AM
My boys love ours we have the stainless version, we have a storm kettle for water and the trekka version fits perfectly on top of the stove and a real roaring fire can be had, we also have a woodgas stove powered by batteries but the honey stove walks all over that and not just because it packs down flat.
Down on our alotment we keep a bag of charcoal and chuck a couple of lumps in and it make a fantastic little bbq for burgers, sausages and chicken, we also bought a collapsible grill for it that also fits in the bag so we get toast too.

One word for this honey stove Fantastic!!!

22-03-2013, 10:16 AM
There is a honey stove up for sale on evilbay NOW starting bid £22.50 with £4.00 postage .
I have no connection with the seller whatsoever - I just thought I would give the heads up to whoever wanted one
Cheers Bri

22-03-2013, 02:15 PM
The Emberlit looks like a slightly lower spec version of the Element Wood Burning Stove (http://www.outdoortrailgear.com/featured/element-woodburning-stove/), mentioned by Peaks and both are the same price.

Maybe you could treat yourself to one this month and the other next month, try em out side by side, keep the one you like more and flog the other?
Sounds like an excellent idea ;).