View Full Version : Wanted - large campfire kettle

23-03-2013, 11:55 AM
Our Scout troop will be undertaking a camp shortly and are in need of a large kettle to go over the fire. Unfortunately I can't justify the expense of a new Kirtly kettle at the moment so was wondering if anyone on here knew of a kettle around the 10L mark, give or take a few litres, that's going a bit cheaper. It needs to be a kettle rather than a pot for safety reasons.

If someone has one and is going to the RV I can arrange to pick up and pay there, or postage will also be covered.

Here's hoping...

24-03-2013, 07:07 AM
You could try a local car boot, or flea-by.....

24-03-2013, 11:05 AM
I thought this link might interest you. Ok I understand your looking for
a spare Kirtley Kettle where possible, good luck with the search :wink:

24-03-2013, 11:16 AM
Why don't you just use the one I sent you. You would only have to boil around 20 rounds to give the same ammount of whatever you are cooking. Should only take you 2-3 hours. Are you getting lazy? :cool:

24-03-2013, 09:38 PM
Why don't you just use the one I sent you. You would only have to boil around 20 rounds to give the same ammount of whatever you are cooking. Should only take you 2-3 hours. Are you getting lazy? :cool:

:D It would keep the Scouts busy for a while!

Tried the evilbay and looked at various stores but they all stock the Kirtleys at the rather extraordinarily high prices, its only a kettle after all.

Still, someone might come up with something yet.

27-03-2013, 09:51 AM
Found this one on evilbay if anyone is interested.


They are five litre kettles, I was after something a bit bigger but having looked at the dimensions I reckon this should be big enough. Can't complain at the price either so I bought 2, one for Scouts and one for me :rolleyes: I could always be nice and let the Scouts borrow mine if need be and keep both on the go.