View Full Version : Birch sap tapping

24-03-2013, 06:23 PM
Well what a week, went out tuesday to one of my little haunts and tried tapping a few birch trees, with to be honest very little success. So on thursday went out for a little wander and low and behold found a birch tree dripping like a good 'un, so emptying a plastic bottle that a had with me, I set about collecting natures elixir. Returning a hour later, the 500ml bottle was about 3/4 full, hooo happy days.... So on returning home I found some empty pop bottles, washed and rinsed them, ready for a early start friday morning.........

The alarm aroused me early friday morning, I leapt from the comfort of bed, pulled back the curtains, and disaster of disasters, 4 inches of snow, and a near white out.....

Oh well always next year

24-03-2013, 06:33 PM
About the same here mate only been 1 degree above freezing all weekend.

24-03-2013, 06:34 PM
Looking forward to try this again. Should be possible in the end of May ;-)

Last year I tried byt could not get much to run into my cup...

24-03-2013, 06:35 PM
Was out last weekend and tried loads of trees in various areas of the wood and nothing what so ever.

24-03-2013, 07:18 PM
I think it's still too cold buddy.
