View Full Version : Posting photos
27-03-2013, 07:52 AM
Title says it all really, I am wondering how to post photos of my leatherwork in that forum, but am having trouble getting them on the post
11-04-2013, 07:42 PM
Hi, snowleopard!
To insert a photo, you have to click at the little button shown at my screenshot (red arrow). Then select "From URL" and paste the URL from your uploaded photo and click "OK", or select "From Computer" -> "Select Files" and search for the photo on your computer. Then click "Upload Files";)
15-04-2013, 09:50 AM
thanks a lot,
...and how do you change your prof pic????
15-04-2013, 05:08 PM
...and how do you change your prof pic????
To change your profile picture you have to go to your profile-settings (right corner on the top "settings").
Next you have to click at "Edit Profile Picture" in your "My Settings"-Menu on the left side.
And now paste the URL of your picture (option 1), or upload it from your computer (option 2) and save the changes (on the right side) ;)
(Or do you mean the Avatar? Then look HERE ( Ash already made a video where it is explained. )
cheers psycho... that was embaressingly easy....
08-08-2016, 08:50 PM
I followed the direction to post photos on my new camp setup to my post but when i have selected photos to upload and press 'upload' it does not do anything just sits there? tried lots of photos and just one but all the same even tried reloading and trying again but no joy?. Is there any other way of posting up photos easy or is there a fault with the uploader? sorry to be a pain :ashamed:
08-08-2016, 11:22 PM
I followed the direction to post photos on my new camp setup to my post but when i have selected photos to upload and press 'upload' it does not do anything just sits there? tried lots of photos and just one but all the same even tried reloading and trying again but no joy?. Is there any other way of posting up photos easy or is there a fault with the uploader? sorry to be a pain :ashamed:
Hello Mike,
Let's see if I can help...
Geek hat on and fingers at the ready
So first , I will first apologise if what I'm about to describe is what you were doing already anyway...
In which case , I'm sorry I don't mean to sound daft , I'm just trying to help.
Now then,
Upload only one pic at a time and make sure you only post files that finish in the prefixes allowed ...
(.jpeg, .jpg, .gif and .png)
These prefixes are after the dot in the name of each and every picture/file that you have, ( "pic1.jpg" or "wildmeadow3.png")
If your picture format ( extension name after the dot. ) is different to those mentioned above you will need to use a separate program to format them into one of the allowed ones.
(Google is your friend here, too many photo editors/formatting software for me to list)
Sometimes cameras can take pics and store them as RAW or Exif files which could be the reason why you're having trouble...
That should work , but if not then let us know and I'll try and help again...
I'm hoping that if you followed the instructions on this thread and have the correct prefix on files, things should just work ....although I'm just a forum member like you and by no means a tech support, moderator or administrator.
Good luck and let us know how you get on...
Phew , geek hat off now.
(Big)Small print disclaimer:
I'm not responsible for the content of pictures uploaded by other members, for the source of which these come from, or of they are genuine or permitted by the EULA on this forum.
it's your responsibility to keep your files safe and secure within your computer, and share them only if you feel you want to.
I will not be held responsible if your internet is slow, if your ISP snoops on you or sells all your information to the millions of marketing companies bidding for ALL your data, if TV is too loud or if the crazy neighbour down the road knocks on your door at 4am because she is lonely or if the dogs howl all night and day.
And/or if your computer explodes , makes funny noises or hijacks threads without you realising then you may need to get some real help from an IT person.
09-08-2016, 05:28 PM
Hi woody thanks for the reply. I have posted on other forums before so used to the .jpeg and all that but for some reason with correct file and doing one at a time it doe's nothing, i put the photo in the upload box then hit 'upload' and it does nothing at all, very strange. I am trying to upload photos to photobucket but being out in the sticks its taking FOREVER! haha. Not sure if the photo uploader is working or if anyone else is having trouble?. But thanks for the helpful reply but no joy!
09-08-2016, 06:12 PM
Hmmm, that's a bit of a mystery but my guess is photo bucket probably.
Tried another photo app?
Like Google photos?
10-08-2016, 01:26 AM
I will have a play and see if there are any issues
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
10-08-2016, 10:16 AM
IMG link from photobucket .jpg ( .jpg.html)
from computer
So all working here.
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