View Full Version : Tents that you can have a stove/fire inside?

02-04-2013, 09:18 PM
I am looking to buy a canvas tent that you can have a stove inside for cooking and warmth - the Tentipi is out of my price range as are most tipis.... A bell tent looks more affordable
I'm also led to believe that canvas tents are not suitable for use in the UK due our constant wet weather... i wish to buy such a tent as i do not wish to limit myself to just going out in the summer months - i would love to go during the winter and snow but the tent must be suitable for year round use...

Safety is paramount as i would be taking my two sons, maybe daughters if they like it :)

Thanks in advance for any info....... Mack and sons.... :campfire:

02-04-2013, 09:46 PM
Nothing wrong with a canvas tent, so long you proof it. My mate lives in his yurt all year round. Thats got a canvas wrap.
A lot of bell tents seem to have a very thin canvas though. Its a good idea to get the heaviest grade of canvas you can afford. Also the bell tents do not have much of a slope on the roof, so water will linger longer, meaning more of a chance of water ingress.
The bison lavvu used to get highly rated, is that within your budget..? http://www.militarymart.co.uk/index.php?_a=product&product_id=2009

02-04-2013, 09:52 PM
my trailer and frame tents are heavy canvas, both stand up to the uk weather very well, especially the trailer tent that stayed dry for 4 weeks in wales during last 'summer'

02-04-2013, 10:36 PM
Well done Johhny P :) they look fantastic and the price for the Tundra 4 is spot on although it doesnt state how big it is (maybe a four manner lol).

Another Q - when it states it my need re-impregnating i gather or hope ;) that its referring to re-weatherproofing?

P.S. nice hat :)

Kernowek Scouser
02-04-2013, 11:25 PM
A mate of mine has one of these
SoulPad 4000 (http://soulpad.co.uk/products/soulpad-4000-hybrid)
...and you can use a couple of different stoves and flue set ups in it (pics won't upload, but you can see the various set ups by following the link and clicking on heating & stoves). The manufacturer states that this tent is designed to comfortably accommodate four people, but my mate is adamant his tent can only comfortably accommodate one person, him. I don't know off hand which stove he has in his, but it has water heater on the flue, like the Frontier outdoor stove.

My mate brought this tent along to a little camp out last autumn. It rained constantly all that weekend, so when I wasn't sleeping in my hammock, me, my mate and two others, spent most of the day sat in his tent, eating, smoking, drinking, laughing and... erm drinking some more :D The tent kept us all dry during our wood stove gatherings and him dry and warm at night (If you run out of booze at 4am in the morning and reluctantly retire to bed, does that still count as night?), so it seemed to cope with the wet, cool weather.

Nice tent.

This thread has jogged my memory. I remember reading somewhere you can get bell tents made from Ventile. It might have been a vintage rather than modern tent though, made by Blacks if I remember rightly? But I seem to remember it cost less than most Ventile jackets, so a bit of a bargain, if that is your thing.