View Full Version : Help with an internal pack frame?

04-04-2013, 04:29 AM
So a while back, I bought an 80 liter pack with an internal frame. The "frame" is nothing more then a piece of 1 inch aluminum pipe bent into a U and it frequently bends out of shape when my pack had a descent load in it.

Wondering if anyone has any suggestions on replacing the frame?

I was thinking about taking the easy way out and gluing up some PVC pipe! That has to be stronger the aluminum frame, rite!?

Here's the pack here (http://www.globalarmysurplus.com/en/bags/rack-sacks/combat-rack-sack.html). It's great... aside from the frame...


Yungen of Bury
04-04-2013, 09:04 AM
find a metal works company in your area, or a car body work fabricator and ask about piping and strengths, give them diameters of your pipe and lengths, and wieght carried... they should be able to supply you with a short length of strong metal pole, and bend it for you aswell... might be a bit pricey though.... unless you know some one with a pipe bender of the right diameter, go to a breaker(scrap) yard and as for a section of a roll cage..

19-04-2013, 07:18 AM
I haven’t tried this so it might not work very well but you might want to give it a try.

Fill the aluminium tube with a thermoplastic. This will add rigidity to the aluminium tube but also some weight. A thermoplastic is any plastic with a recycling symbol on it. Pop bottles for example.

Just melt the plastic and pour it into the aluminium tube and let cool. You will probably have to heat the aluminium tube (in oven) before pouring the plastic in so the plastic doesn't cool before it has a chance to fill the whole aluminium tube.

A partial list of thermoplastics and one example of each.

Polyethylene – pop bottles
Polyvinyl chloride – PVC pipe
Polypropylene – that yellow rope that sucks for knot tying
Polystyrene – foam insulation
Acrylonitrile butadiene (ABS) – Lego

It's probably a good idea not to use PVC because heating it will give off poisonous chlorine gas.

19-04-2013, 07:59 AM
Following on from the great idea above a filling the tube, If you want to try this first before committing, fill the pipe with a non clogging sand ( kiln dried - which is used for block paving ) ensure you tape up the ends properly and give it a try,
This can obviously be undone if required,

Good luck

19-04-2013, 06:26 PM
This may-be a little left field, but get a length of copper pipe, and ask a tame plumber if he can bend it for you, or buy a cheap plumbers spring and have a go yourself, cheers Ian....

19-04-2013, 06:35 PM
fill it with the expanding foam in an aerosol tin..the kind builders use

19-04-2013, 07:38 PM
I would go along with this suggestion. Only other suggestion is look around surplus stores for a Clansman Radio frame :wink:



This may-be a little left field, but get a length of copper pipe, and ask a
tame plumber if he can bend it for you, or buy a cheap plumbers spring and have a go yourself,
cheers Ian....