View Full Version : Thoughts on waterproof socks

Kernowek Scouser
14-04-2013, 03:15 PM
Get a good pair of waterproof boots/shoes.

That has been my thinking when it comes to waterproof boots and I do have four good pairs, two for waling, two for work.

But a combination of frequent, saturating rain and the fact I am walking a bit slower and have a bit of difficulty avoiding puddles and boggy ground have resulted in me noticing that a bit of water is starting to sneak its way in, whether walking or at work (and my work boots are new, gore-tex top of the range affair, which obviously work paid for, not me:D). So I am wondering if waterproof socks are something to invest in?

I could just buy a pair of wellies with a walking sole, but with my recent run of luck, I'd probably end up with trench foot, if I did get some, so I'm about 60% convinced a waterproof sock, used in combination with a reasonably waterproof boot, is the way to go.

From my googling, waterproof socks seem to fall into groups. Used military surplus gore-tex boot liners and technical, triple layer civvy hiking socks, made by folks like Sealskinz and Trekmates.

While the gore-tex boot liners appeal to me (as they are cheap and I'm a tight as a duck's derrière) as I have yet to find any that are either new or unissued, I'm not going to touch them. I've happily bought lots of second hand and surplus gear, but I draw the line at underwear and socks.

The technical hiking socks appeal to the infrequently used rational part of my brain and are not too shockingly expensive, starting around the £20 mark. But before I begin to psyche myself up to part with at least TWENTY POUNDS FOR A PAIR OF SOCKS, it would be handy to hear from anyone who has a pair and would like to share their thoughts on them.
Or from anyone who has worn the gore-tex boot liners and rates them.

Or just general thoughts on waterproof footwear, as I always enjoy such conversations.
Many thanks,


14-04-2013, 03:27 PM
Hate them...with a passion, and I will always try to get none gore tex/waterproof boots.....I use a pair of none WP lined Meindls which in 10 years have only leaked once, through the top on a river crossing

Kernowek Scouser
14-04-2013, 03:49 PM
That is kind of where I'm coming from. Good boots have kept my feet dry in the past and on the few occasions water has got it, I've tended to be knee deep in the stuff at the time.

But at the moment, being not so fleet of foot and having to slowly stumble rather that swiftly skip through small bodies of water, I'm finding my boots are not quite up to the challenge, so I'm open to the possibility of waterproof socks helping with the battle, if anyone has experience of them doing so.

14-04-2013, 03:59 PM
I love waterproof socks, after the wetest year I can remember I invested some money in them. I have very good Merrel boots, but after 48hrs in the woods they just didnt stand upto the water. I also have some army boots which are better for keeping the water out but not so good for walking. The waterproof socks allow me to wear trainers if I like and not worry about wet feet.

14-04-2013, 04:11 PM
Just to add to that Colin in the early part of my other 'career' (which you know about) I used seal skinz, they ripped my feet to bits (with a liner obviously). I do suffer from sweaty feet though and the MVP linings are just not for me....I did find a use for the seal skinz socks though...when my dog cut open his paw it made a really good waterproof cover to keep his dressings dry.

Another thought, WP socks wont keep your feet dry if your trousers wet out and water runs down your legs into your boot tops, I'm a fan of gaiters too, mind you its not surprising living where I do...Wainwright wasnt particularly kind when describing the hills and moors of my home county

14-04-2013, 04:12 PM
Hate them...with a passion, and I will always try to get none gore tex/waterproof boots.....I use a pair of none WP lined Meindls which in 10 years have only leaked once, through the top on a river crossing

heh... same with my Meindls for the past 3. Was wearing them during a paintball game where I was shin deep in the smelliest bog ever. Leaked through the top but... can't complain about that

14-04-2013, 04:34 PM
I love my sealskinz socks but only wear them on the motorbikes, so I don't know what they are like for long distance walking, I suspect from wearing them as I do that I would probably side with Sapper on them not being comfortable.. hope it helps

14-04-2013, 05:20 PM
I wear a thin pair of normal socks underneith mine, never had any problems with my feet from them. first used them for mountain biking, I really hate having wet feet.

Kernowek Scouser
14-04-2013, 05:35 PM
I love waterproof socks, after the wetest year I can remember I invested some money in them. I have very good Merrel boots, but after 48hrs in the woods they just didnt stand upto the water. I also have some army boots which are better for keeping the water out but not so good for walking. The waterproof socks allow me to wear trainers if I like and not worry about wet feet.

What socks do you have fella?

Just to add to that Colin in the early part of my other 'career' (which you know about) I used seal skinz, they ripped my feet to bits (with a liner obviously). I do suffer from sweaty feet though and the MVP linings are just not for me....I did find a use for the seal skinz socks though...when my dog cut open his paw it made a really good waterproof cover to keep his dressings dry.

Another thought, WP socks wont keep your feet dry if your trousers wet out and water runs down your legs into your boot tops, I'm a fan of gaiters too, mind you its not surprising living where I do...Wainwright wasnt particularly kind when describing the hills and moors of my home county

Shredded feet when walking are definitely to be avoided. I guess if the membrane in such socks does keep water out, then it must also keep sweat in, so if you are prone to sweaty feet when walking, your feet are going to get wet.

I'm not prone to overly sweaty feet, so such socks might not be so harsh on my feet. I guess the only way to determine if these socks will knacker my feet as they did to you or play nicely with them, as they have with Stamp, is to try a pair. Back to square one then.

I love my sealskinz socks but only wear them on the motorbikes, so I don't know what they are like for long distance walking, I suspect from wearing them as I do that I would probably side with Sapper on them not being comfortable.. hope it helps

So in your experience, they do keep the water out, but, biking aside, might not be suited to anything more strenuous than pottering about a damp camp.

More nays than yays, so far.

Regardless, thanks for the feedback fellas

If anyone else would like to chip in their experience of using WP socks, either for or against, please do

14-04-2013, 05:37 PM
I wear a thin pair of normal socks underneith mine, never had any problems with my feet from them. .

different strokes for different folks..... MVP membranes make my feet sweat like mad and my feet get wet from that.

Kernowek Scouser
14-04-2013, 05:40 PM
I wear a thin pair of normal socks underneith mine, never had any problems with my feet from them. first used them for mountain biking, I really hate having wet feet. One of the socks I was looking at, I think it was the Trekmates amphibian socks, did suggest they work best with a sock liner.

But reading the info on the sealskinz, the inner layer is meant to act like a liner sock, wicking away moisture, making a liner superfluous.


ian c
14-04-2013, 05:46 PM
I have only ever used the issued gortex socks and i found that after a while of tabbing in them i had to take them off as found them to be crumpled in my boots and was getting hot spots where they had gathered up, hope this helps.

14-04-2013, 05:48 PM
Kernowek Scouser I have http://www.gooutdoors.co.uk/activity-sock-p162982 I normally only wear them on courses these days. I can't be worrying about wet feet when there are students in front of me learning how to use a knife or axe, I need my creature comforts in bad conditions (and we've had a few wet courses over the last year and a half)

I can understand the comments about them being sweaty, I dont use them in the summer.

14-04-2013, 05:50 PM
Here is one of mine...


14-04-2013, 06:06 PM
I have only ever used the issued gortex socks and i found that after a while of tabbing in them i had to take them off as found them to be crumpled in my boots and was getting hot spots where they had gathered up, hope this helps.

Snap....but not tabbing, stopping on an evacuation to sort out socks isnt great....

Stamp...summer or winter to me its the same

Kernowek Scouser
14-04-2013, 07:14 PM
Did we have a summer last year? I must have blinked and missed it :D

The gore-tex boot liners do look a little on the short side
and in a couple of listings they are noted as being just ankle length, ideal for bunching up as you walk in them, odd.

I did find one supplier listing surplus boot liners that were knee length, but the boots that went with them were more suited to burlesque than bushcraft and I simply can not be bothered with the hassle of having to change my user name to Kernowek von Teese. Calf length maybe, knee length, no.

Cheers for the link Stamp, sadly the socks are reserve and collect only and as my nearest Go Outdoors is over the border in England it would cost me the best part of twenty quid to go and pick them up. But the link did give me a helpful nudge and my Google fu seems strong at the moment as I have found these:
Sealskinz Waterproof Walking Sock (http://www.specialistsocks.co.uk/p2729/SealSkinz_Walking_Waterproof_Sock/product_info.html)
£19.99 FREE P&P

If I do go for a pair, I think it will be these.

But after Rune's suggestion, I'm wondering if I should just use a pair of these instead
as I might have one or two knocking about the house already:D

Thanks for the input fellas, all very useful.

14-04-2013, 08:58 PM
I use the black MOD ones Col, I've had three pairs of Sealskinz in the past and they've all failed after a couple of trips.

You can pick them up for around £10

Same as these (http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Unused-pair-of-mens-waterproof-socks-size-8-10-army-surplus-/160991835591?pt=UK_Men_s_Socks&hash=item257bdc75c7&nma=true&si=FQuz0iUtTI0UPFuolePcTqI7Qtg%253D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2557)

Kernowek Scouser
14-04-2013, 10:51 PM
Cheers for the heads up on the short life of the sealskinz Rich.

Are your MOD socks longer than ankle length?

15-04-2013, 12:21 AM
Cheers for the heads up on the short life of the sealskinz Rich.

Are your MOD socks longer than ankle length?

Yeah they come about half way up my calf muscles, or rather lack of :)

15-04-2013, 07:27 AM
Another vote for the black MOD socks


Kernowek Scouser
15-04-2013, 09:44 AM
Cheers for the leg length info Rich

And cheers for additional thumbs up and link Suggy.

So it looks like it is decision time.

I'll have a punt on these MOD MVP's and see how I go, thanks again for the feed back fellas.
