View Full Version : Coast to Coast - Two Moors Way

23-04-2013, 12:03 AM
Been slipping back to my old ways recently, the weekends away camping meant that I had a few drinks, and with those drinks went a few cigarettes, and before I knew it my well meant plans on quitting the fags and getting on the trail has gone horribly wrong.

Woke up this morning and decided that enough is enough, so with the baccy in the bin I plan to undertake a Coast to Coast walk across the South West of England after a good bit of brushing up on skills and fitness. Having looked at the maps I have decided to do the full Coast to Coast walk of 117 miles as opposed to the shorter Two Moors Way at 102 miles, it is only a difference of 15 miles after all. See the link below for details.


Obviously there are a number of areas I need to consider during my planning and preparation stages and this is what I have come up with so far

Navigation - I know my navigational skills are not up to scratch for something like this but had planned on attending a course or two this year anyway as I need to increase my own abilities for Scout exercises.

Equipment - Generally not a problem due to heavy investment in recent years although a few tweaks won't go amiss.

Fitness - To be honest I am not completely unfit. The work that I do keeps me on the go all day and I could probably do the walk now, however, I would not enjoy it as much as I should. Some time spent on the hills will do me good, build up the stamina and allow me to enjoy the experience so much more.

Rations - Definitely requires some investigation. I need to look at the types of food, quantities, where to restock etc. Bit of work to do here.

When? - Well I could do with some advice here. Exmoor is my home turf and I travel through many of the places that I will be walking through on this journey, but I know very little about walking on Dartmoor. Is there a particular time of year that would work out better, is travelling N to S better than attempting it S to N, which of the 3 routes across Dartmoor (7, 7a, 7b) is best etc.
Any advice in this area would be much appreciated (Martin ;) )

I know there are many more things to think about but maybe a bit of discussion and brainstorming on here will help things along. The trip itself will likely be one for early(ish) next year to allow me the time to get fitter and better trained, which may seem eons away but I would prefer to get this right.

I will keep things updated on here as my plans progress, bit of a blog if you like. And by all means add your thoughts as well as the occasional kick up the proverbial!

23-04-2013, 12:08 AM
Well I just thought of one thing already, a good water resistant and compact camera as I really do not want to take my DSLR wannabee. Recommendations anyone?

Oh, and if anyone else is up for a walk just let me know. I don't mind company.

Kernowek Scouser
23-04-2013, 03:07 AM
Hello Fella,

Funnily enough I have been entertaining thoughts about doing a similar kind of adventure, my main motivation being I'll be forty in July and I feel the need to do something to prove I'm not quite over the hill yet.

At the moment I have a rather nebulous notion to head outdoors for forty days and forty nights, hiking along as many national trails as I can in that time frame. The Two Moors Way, being just down the road is my possible starting point.

Family commitments, work and my ongoing recovery from a knee injury (which when it is playing up, like it is now at 3 am, makes sleeping nigh on impossible) mean I am looking at late August / early September at the earliest, before I'll be able to head out adventuring. While it would be grand if I could say 'I'll do it with you fella" there are too many variable in play at the moment to be in a position to commit to a date and stick to it.

So, I will wish you the best of luck with this and follow your preparations and progress with interest.


I'll do my own thread at some point too.

23-04-2013, 04:08 AM
Re: rations, I'm considering doing the hadrians wall path and looked into fuizion freeze dried food packets... Not cheap, but tasty and very light. Biggest issue after cost is size, you can probably carry 3 wayfarers packs in the same space

23-04-2013, 07:42 AM
A few thoughts here. Firstly, don't pay for navigation courses. I'm always happy to spend a day out in the hills and would gladly give you the benefit of my knowledge for free. Secondly, it really matters not whether you travel north to south or vice versa. I think North Devon is a far more beautiful place to finish than Plymouth/South Devon, so that may have some bearing. Finally, carrying enough food and water for a trip like this is not easy so you ought to consider supply points en route and that means good, practical route planning. Why not arrange for someone to meet you at a couple of points en route? I would imagine this will take in the region of four days to complete with three overnight stops planned. You will need breakfast and an evening meal and I'd go for boil in the bag type meals, during the day, you can manage on snacks. Water is an issue, more so during the summer, so you will need to plan where you will get that.

Always happy to help out so just give me a shout.


23-04-2013, 08:45 AM
Sounds like fun.. I got some walking to do this year :0)

24-04-2013, 01:16 AM
Early next year you say? Late winter/ early spring? that's our quiet time in work and heals kicking........

24-04-2013, 06:59 AM
Well I just thought of one thing already, a good water resistant and compact camera as I really do not want to take my DSLR wannabee. Recommendations anyone?

Oh, and if anyone else is up for a walk just let me know. I don't mind company.
Fuji XP60 or XP170 should fit the bill quite nicely mate

24-04-2013, 09:29 AM
A few thoughts here. Firstly, don't pay for navigation courses. I'm always happy to spend a day out in the hills and would gladly give you the benefit of my knowledge for free. Secondly, it really matters not whether you travel north to south or vice versa. I think North Devon is a far more beautiful place to finish than Plymouth/South Devon, so that may have some bearing. Finally, carrying enough food and water for a trip like this is not easy so you ought to consider supply points en route and that means good, practical route planning. Why not arrange for someone to meet you at a couple of points en route? I would imagine this will take in the region of four days to complete with three overnight stops planned. You will need breakfast and an evening meal and I'd go for boil in the bag type meals, during the day, you can manage on snacks. Water is an issue, more so during the summer, so you will need to plan where you will get that.

Always happy to help out so just give me a shout.


Thanks Martin, I may well take you up on your offer of some expert tuition. I am looking into places to restock on the way as I will probably do this at a slightly more leisurely pace, say over a 6/7 day period, and enjoy the break as much as possible. It also means that I need to look into water treatment again and dehydrated food options as ideally I will be carrying four days of rations at a time. Early days on my thoughts though.

Sounds like fun.. I got some walking to do this year :0)

Are you still doing your trek this year?

Early next year you say? Late winter/ early spring? that's our quiet time in work and heals kicking........

I don't mind some company, I reckon a small group of 3 or 4 might be a good number for this if anyone else fancies a few days out. As I have just said to Martin, I am looking at a slightly slower pace as I really want to enjoy this as an experience in itself rather than just a personal challenge.

Fuji XP60 or XP170 should fit the bill quite nicely mate

Thanks Paul. I have started looking at those which has linked in with a few other possibilities. Whats always annoying though is when you start looking at reviews from different magazines, shops etc. They all seem to contradict each other!

24-04-2013, 09:01 PM
Are you still doing your trek this year?

Thats the plan.. September or October time :0)

24-04-2013, 09:21 PM
Personally I'd walk south to North, primarily because if the weather turns against you the chances are it'll blow from the South-West so at least you'll have the wind and rain at your back. Not a problem early on but after a couple of 15-20 mile days with a full Bergen, walking into wind and rain loses it's attraction.. ;)

25-04-2013, 12:39 AM
Personally I'd walk south to North, primarily because if the weather turns against you the chances are it'll blow from the South-West so at least you'll have the wind and rain at your back. Not a problem early on but after a couple of 15-20 mile days with a full Bergen, walking into wind and rain loses it's attraction.. ;)

It also means that I will be walking in the direction of home ;)

Looking at better tent options at the moment as the Banshee 200 is just a little on the short side for me. Also at 2kg it is heavier than it needs to be. Present options are

Wild Country Zephyros 1 http://www.terra-nova.co.uk/tents-and-spares/all-tents/zephyros-1-tent/ which I can get significantly cheaper than the £120 price tag quoted.


Luxe Mini Peak II http://www.backpackinglight.co.uk/shelters-1/WF101.html

The latter looks quite roomy for no additional weight or pack size. They also do a silnylon version at 1.2kg


Bit of thinking to do...

25-04-2013, 01:01 AM
It also means that I will be walking in the direction of home ;)

Looking at better tent options at the moment as the Banshee 200 is just a little on the short side for me. Also at 2kg it is heavier than it needs to be. Present options are

Wild Country Zephyros 1 http://www.terra-nova.co.uk/tents-and-spares/all-tents/zephyros-1-tent/ which I can get significantly cheaper than the £120 price tag quoted.


Luxe Mini Peak II http://www.backpackinglight.co.uk/shelters-1/WF101.html

The latter looks quite roomy for no additional weight or pack size.

Bit of thinking to do...

The Z1 is a great tent :)

Although I may be tempted to give the Mini Peak 2 a go in summer though.

14-05-2013, 12:51 AM
Well I decided to do a little trial weighing and packing this evening and seem to have a base weight of 11kg without food or water. Think I will put up a kit list shortly for everyones approval or suggestions. This was with the Vango Banshee strapped to the pack so I could save the best part of a kilo by changing tent.

Been studying the maps and working out a few routes for training. Going to disguise them as outings with the Scouts, that way I can get them out practicing some navigation and work on a few badges, as well as get a few nights under the stars :o

14-05-2013, 07:49 AM
Have a good time!


24-05-2013, 09:01 AM
A journey through Taunton yesterday ended up with a quick visit to http://www.tauntonleisure.com/ which, as always, ended up with me walking out with a few bits and pieces. I don't know why I keep doing these impromptu visits to outdoor stores, well I do actually - I am a kit junky!

I have invested in a Wild Country Zephyros 1 Lite which weighs in at 1.2kg. Hopefully this will suit my ground dwelling activities much better than the current Banshee, saving almost a kilo in weight, and it should see some use this year with a few moorland treks planned.

Also bought a Camelbak water bottle cosy that will sit on the waistbelt of my pack http://www.tauntonleisure.com/camelbak-insulated-bottle-sleeve/p4017 and a pack of Nalgene travel bottles for various liquids that may be taken on trips http://www.tauntonleisure.com/nalgene-medium-travel-kit-bottle/p279#tdesc_1

I can't really think of what else I would need, but there is bound to be something...

Kernowek Scouser
24-05-2013, 04:16 PM
...I can't really think of what else I would need, but there is bound to be something...
I think that is the mantra of every kit junkie :D

Nice little haul you got yourself there, I'd be interested to know your thoughts on the Zephyros when you use it, as I'm looking into lighter weight tents for when I'm ground dwelling.

How is your training, orienteering going?

26-05-2013, 07:31 PM
hey there, i've recently been out on dartmoor a few times and love being there, i have a few moorland leaders that work along side portland prision that have seen how keen i am to keep coming back and voluntering with them to help along the course they run teaching young lads map and compass skills, they have offered to pay for my to do the moorland leader courses my self to go back and work for them as a instructor because i cant afford to do this my self because i am living in a charity run house for people who have come from troubled back grounds.

After spending two weeks and doing a few long walks around some dartmoor tors i have desided i would like to try and get back into adventure sports as a teacher. only yesterday after going to bicton college i have been offered a place on a instructor training course for outdoor adventure sports.

But as i am not to sure how i will be able to fund this i as well afford travel and living in september once i move on from the Amber foundation i have thought maybe i could fund raise some money to help towards my plans of doing some thing to get where i would like to be in my life, so i am planning on doing the two moors walk to rasie some money for this, even if it only end being a little bit every thing i can get would mean alot in the long run.

I was looking to do this walk in july/august time. And all though i feel comfortable doing it alone after the training and walks i have already gotten i also know the dangers of being out on the moors hense why Air bourne have offered to pay my moorland training fees, but it would be great if i could link up with a few other people who would like to do this walk around the same time to just make it that bit safer.

I would also be carrying the stuff i would be expected to take to training course that you carry being on a walk where your leading a group across the moors.

Would be great to know when your planning to do your walk and set if we could hook up.

Thanks guys and sorry about my spelling lol

26-05-2013, 09:16 PM
hey there, i've recently been out on dartmoor a few times and love being there, i have a few moorland leaders that work along side portland prision that have seen how keen i am to keep coming back and voluntering with them to help along the course they run teaching young lads map and compass skills, they have offered to pay for my to do the moorland leader courses my self to go back and work for them as a instructor because i cant afford to do this my self because i am living in a charity run house for people who have come from troubled back grounds.

After spending two weeks and doing a few long walks around some dartmoor tors i have desided i would like to try and get back into adventure sports as a teacher. only yesterday after going to bicton college i have been offered a place on a instructor training course for outdoor adventure sports.

But as i am not to sure how i will be able to fund this i as well afford travel and living in september once i move on from the Amber foundation i have thought maybe i could fund raise some money to help towards my plans of doing some thing to get where i would like to be in my life, so i am planning on doing the two moors walk to rasie some money for this, even if it only end being a little bit every thing i can get would mean alot in the long run.

I was looking to do this walk in july/august time. And all though i feel comfortable doing it alone after the training and walks i have already gotten i also know the dangers of being out on the moors hense why Air bourne have offered to pay my moorland training fees, but it would be great if i could link up with a few other people who would like to do this walk around the same time to just make it that bit safer.

I would also be carrying the stuff i would be expected to take to training course that you carry being on a walk where your leading a group across the moors.

Would be great to know when your planning to do your walk and set if we could hook up.

Thanks guys and sorry about my spelling lol

Hi Lee, and welcome to the forum :) I am glad to see that things are starting to working out for you there, it is always good when those with a desire to be/work outside start to achieve the lifestyle that many desire. Unfortunately the times that you mention there are going to be a little too soon for my intended hike, its a busy time with Scout overnight hikes and the part of the year when work is at its most manic. I will probably be looking towards the Autumn or Spring for mine which will give me plenty of time to get out and about beforehand when work allows.

I wish you well on your journey however and hope that your aspirations come to fruition. You must stay around on the forum and share your progress as it would be very interesting to hear how things develop for you. We also get together every now and again which may be beneficial for your learning. Good luck.

26-05-2013, 09:31 PM
I think that is the mantra of every kit junkie :D

Nice little haul you got yourself there, I'd be interested to know your thoughts on the Zephyros when you use it, as I'm looking into lighter weight tents for when I'm ground dwelling.

How is your training, orienteering going?

Just spent a couple of nights out so a little write up is on the way...

As for getting out, got a few two day hikes with overnight stops coming up which will freshen the brain cells and, hopefully, I will remember those skills used too long ago. Taking the Scouts out on a little expedition on Exmoor soon as well so I have a few orienteering practice sessions booked on our local Scout camp site. It's a wonderful site with a mix of open areas and woodland and the sessions will certainly keep them occupied as well as helping to get me back up to scratch. I keep meaning to take Martin up on his offer but, as always, life keeps getting in the way of things I want to do!

How is the knee holding up?

26-05-2013, 10:32 PM
[QUOTE=jus_young;83305] I will probably be looking towards the Autumn or Spring for mine which will give me plenty of time to get out and about beforehand when work allows.

If you wind up doing your tab @ Oct or March/April give me a shout and I'll come for a cabby. Or at least provide a brew while you are down on the south part of the moor!

Kernowek Scouser
27-05-2013, 12:36 AM
Sounds like it is all coming along nicely fella and it is grand you can bush up on your own skills as you work with your scouts.

I would not mind an orienteering session with Martin myself, I reckon it would be both beneficial and enjoyable. hopefully your life will provide an opportunity to take him up on his offer, before you head out on your trek.

I'm largely self taught, but I have been fortunate to become friends with and ex marine who is a sh:t hot navigator. He has knocked the rough edges of my abilities, helped plug gaps in my knowledge and generally added a bit of polish to my skills. He loaned me a copy of the HMSO Manual of map reading (1977) which has a lot of useful information in it. I did a bit of googling to see if I could find a link for you, but instead found this link to the US version, which can be saved as a pdf
I have had a quick skim and there is a lot of stuff in there on US military map grids and what have you, which will be of little use, but further in there is general info that might be helpful.

The knee is holding up pretty well now, I managing at least one 10+ miler a week with very little pain and no ill effects afterwards and a 2 - 5 miler most other days. Even managed to sleep through the night in my hammock, last week without any discomfort, which was good. Hope to get out again next weekend, I may even take some pictures if I remember to charge my camera :ashamed:

Good luck with your preparations :D

27-05-2013, 12:52 PM
Hey thanks for the reply.

Started training a week ago to get ready as it will be the longest walk of my life since i was about 17 when i did about 35 in a day. also hoping to do ten tors next year as well also side the course at bicton, i'm very lucky to have a full gym where im living and have just found the motavation to get there. i'm currently walking 3km at a time with a bag holding 15kg of weights, walking at 5km up hill on a incline of 5.0, as well as other gym work for all round body stengh coz i really need it, a strong wind could make me fly lol.

hope your walk goes well to mate and would be good to also hear what training your putting in place to get ready and also what your kit list is you deside to take.

27-05-2013, 02:48 PM
very very impressive mate.. look forward to hearing/watching how you get on!