View Full Version : Where to get firesteels

29-04-2013, 12:52 PM
Where would you get your fire steels?

Thanks everyone,


01-05-2013, 07:28 AM
Thanks everyone who has voted,


01-05-2013, 08:55 AM
I get mine at the local supermarket....

01-05-2013, 01:04 PM
I get mine at the local supermarket....

You're lucky! In England I have never seen that!


01-05-2013, 01:33 PM
I usually get them at the local camping or woodworking store, but my last order with USA Knifemaker for micarta, I decided to get some 1/4" x 4" ferro rods and strikers, thinking I'll make matching ones to sell with my knives.

01-05-2013, 01:43 PM
You're lucky! In England I have never seen that!


They usually have a shelf with some camping stuff, pots and pans, perhaps a cheap 2 person tents, camping cutlery, butane canisters, fishing gear (useless), and at least here, ferro rods that cost 1/3 the price of an LMF fire steel. The also have some shelves of tools, where you find at least one model Mora knife, usually a 511 or 711.

01-05-2013, 06:58 PM
They usually have a shelf with some camping stuff, pots and pans, perhaps a cheap 2 person tents, camping cutlery, butane canisters, fishing gear (useless), and at least here, ferro rods that cost 1/3 the price of an LMF fire steel. The also have some shelves of tools, where you find at least one model Mora knife, usually a 511 or 711.


Thanks for making me so envious!!:)


01-05-2013, 07:06 PM
I get mine from the Amazonian (amazon.com) :D.

05-05-2013, 08:05 AM
Thanks everyone!T^


06-07-2013, 02:06 AM
Ebay, Amazon, DealExtreme (dx.com)

06-07-2013, 04:21 AM
DealExtreme (dx.com)

Thanks for that, it's wasted a few hours :) fascinating site :)

07-07-2013, 04:49 PM
No problem. It's easy to waste.. I mean, spend some time there :)

22-11-2014, 09:23 PM
A ferro is a ferro is a ferro. I have used ferros from 9 different companies. The differences (harder vs softer) are too negligable to matter. If anything, softer are more reliable, can be used with more tinders and work better with marginal tinders. Still, the difference is minor. Therefore cheaper = better.

I find that the two most significant factors in success with a ferro are the skill of the user and the scraper. (Strikers are used with flint the rock, scrapers are used with ferros.)

My fave is the UST Spark Force. (UST's Strike Force is just as good, just a lot bulkier.) The Spark Force can be EDC'd on a keyring, comes with a fantastic carbide steel scraper that generates world class sparks and is only $4.35 USD here:


My second favorite is the 1/2" x 5" for $7-8 USD on eBay sold by comelili or axeprice (same company). A bit bulky but will last quite a while.

On a side note, handles come off of ferros sooner or later. Any handle that has been pinned or duct tape as the handle have worked best for me.

22-11-2014, 09:35 PM
A ferro is a ferro is a ferro. I have used ferros from 9 different companies. The differences (harder vs softer) are too negligable to matter. If anything, softer are more reliable, can be used with more tinders and work better with marginal tinders. Still, the difference is minor. Therefore cheaper = better.

I find that the two most significant factors in success with a ferro are the skill of the user and the scraper. (Strikers are used with flint the rock, scrapers are used with ferros.)

My fave is the UST Spark Force. (UST's Strike Force is just as good, just a lot bulkier.) The Spark Force can be EDC'd on a keyring, comes with a fantastic carbide steel scraper that generates world class sparks and is only $4.35 USD here:


My second favorite is the 1/2" x 5" for $7-8 USD on eBay sold by comelili or axeprice (same company). A bit bulky but will last quite a while.

On a side note, handles come off of ferros sooner or later. Any handle that has been pinned or duct tape as the handle have worked best for me.

The first thing I do with a ferro rod is to chop off the plastic handle and make a new one. I use juniper, whitle it to shape, drill a hole that is 1mm less wide than than the ferro rod, and knock it in there...has never come off. :-)

22-11-2014, 09:57 PM
Mors says that birch handles never come off. I'll add juniper to that list. I have a couple of knife blanks I've been meaning to handle and juniper is far more common than birch around here. Worse case I can always pin them. Thanks!

24-11-2014, 06:52 AM
They usually have a shelf with some camping stuff, pots and pans, perhaps a cheap 2 person tents, camping cutlery, butane canisters, fishing gear (useless), and at least here, ferro rods that cost 1/3 the price of an LMF fire steel. The also have some shelves of tools, where you find at least one model Mora knife, usually a 511 or 711.

How unusual, a supermarket selling things that a customer might really need for a change - full marks to them

12-01-2015, 02:34 PM
I get the big 1/2 x 5 inch ones for $8 on eBay from China and 3/8 x4 from eBay as well in 2 pack for $10 shipped

12-01-2015, 04:04 PM
I would add museum gift kiosks...thats where I got mine :-)
Also medieval and viking age festivals etc.

12-01-2015, 04:29 PM
Evil bay for me, but I am now using the magnesium with ferro rod combination.

Alba Albion
14-01-2015, 09:40 PM
Just bought 2 off of Ebay with magnesium for about £1 each. They chucked in a free poncho. :happy-clapping:

18-02-2015, 03:35 AM
Ebay, super cheap. 1/2" x 5" for $7. Yeah jump on that.

18-02-2015, 01:58 PM
Ebay, super cheap. 1/2" x 5" for $7. Yeah jump on that.

Yeah, after using mine for a bit, I realized that it is a bit big, so they have a pair of 3/8x4 inch ones for $10-12 shipped

18-02-2015, 06:56 PM
Lately the bargain bucket in Sports Direct prices vary time to time. This year 2015 I was lucky the cheapest was £0.99p bought the lot.