View Full Version : Larking about up Ladock way

Kernowek Scouser
02-05-2013, 07:56 PM
I'm thinking of popping up to Woodland Valley Farm (http://www.naturalbushcraft.co.uk/cornwall-devon/woodland-valley-organic-farm-bushcraft-friendly-campsite.html) at some point in the near future. I can't do this weekend, due to prior commitments and after a quick conversation with Chris over there, it looks like the weekend after next, Saturday May 11th and the weekend after that, Saturday May 18th are already booked by a school and a scout group. And as the last weekend in May is when Justin is planing his next meet (http://www.naturalbushcraft.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?5636-Hang-25-26-MAY-at-bush-farm-wiltshire-near-dorset-somerset-border) and it would be unsporting to arrange another SW meet for the same date.

So It is looking like a weekend in June.

Now I can happily entertain myself if out on my own, but if anyone else fancies a night or two outdoors in mid Cornwall, in June, I would welcome the company.

Nothing formal, but I'm happy to share what little I know and I'm keen to learn anything others have to teach. I'll also probably sneak off for a wander around the surrounding area at least once during my stay, so if anyone likes a bimble, you are more than welcome to join me spending a couple of hours seeing what the view is like from the top of various hills and if there is anything interesting, down the bottom of a valley or around the bend in a stream or river.

As there are no firm dates set yet, there is no need to commit to anything, but it would be handy to gauge any potential interest, so if this is something that may tickle your fancy, post an let me know.



Kernowek Scouser
03-05-2013, 09:42 PM
In between work and generally hobbling about like a headless chicken, I did managed to speak to Chris at WVF again today and he said that the weekends (and weekdays) in June are pretty free.

He does potentially have a wedding party staying up at the farm one weekend, but the only impact that would have on folks staying in the wood, would be a reduction in available parking spaces.

Chris did ask if I could give him a heads up on likely dates and numbers, sooner rather than later, so folks it is over to you.

If you are tempted, post the weekend(s) that would be best for you.



04-05-2013, 08:41 AM
I may be tempted Colin. I have a few unknowns with Scouts at the moment as we are in the process of organising a few hikes out and a couple of overnighters, along with a camp at some stage as well (!) but as soon as I have a better idea of what the hell I am doing, I can give a definitive answer.

04-05-2013, 09:44 AM
ime down for a possible +5.

Kernowek Scouser
04-05-2013, 02:04 PM
Nice one fellas

04-05-2013, 06:38 PM
I would love to come down, but I'm off on my honeymoon in June so unlikely ill be able to make this one

Hopefully the next one!

Kernowek Scouser
05-05-2013, 09:02 PM
No worries fella. Probably best to keep the SWIMBO on side.

If this proposed meet goes well, I hope there will be another, at which you (and the little lady, should she be tempted) would be more than welcome.

Kernowek Scouser
17-05-2013, 10:48 AM
As far as available date in June go, I can not now do the weekend of 8th/9th of June as it is my old man's 68th birthday and instead of going to the Scilly Isles for a romantic weekend with me mam, as was the original plan, various family members have indicated they intend to pop down for a free holiday visit, so that weekend will now be filled with food, booze and new life being breathed into old arguments.

I'll probably need a little holiday myself, once it is over.

Has anyone else who has already registered an interest, got a clearer idea of what weekends they can and can not do?

And if there is anyone else who may be tempted, please feel free to register an interest and throw date you are available into the mix.

Last time I spoke to the fella at Woodland, he said they were pretty flexible and just needed a reasonable heads up, so if june proves to be a bit of a non starter, july is also an option.

