View Full Version : latest tinder finds

11-05-2013, 01:00 PM
have been extra lucky on my tinder searches lately,i found the mother load of the most resinous fatwood i have ever come across and my crampball stash is coming on in leaps and bounds



11-05-2013, 01:17 PM
theres pine gold in them thar hills

11-05-2013, 01:35 PM
great finds!!

11-05-2013, 01:36 PM
Lucky chap!T^



15-05-2013, 08:22 PM
Sorry for being a div but can someone please explain fat wood for me

15-05-2013, 08:26 PM
Sorry for being a div but can someone please explain fat wood for me

Fatwood is dried wood that is full of resin. As a rule of thumb, you find fatwood in the stumps of dead pine trees, but in theory you could get it from any conifer that’s rich in resin.
When a pine tree dies – especially from getting cut down or broken off – all of the resin in the roots gets drawn into the stump, right above the tap root. The stump becomes saturated with resin. As the roots and trunk rot away, the resin-soaked wood at core of the stump endures.

ian c
15-05-2013, 09:19 PM
Jd33 you are not a div, you asked a question and sapper4083 was good enough to answer it because you had the sense to ask about something that you did not know.

Wildish you have a good find there well done.

15-05-2013, 09:36 PM
Jd33 you are not a div, you asked a question and sapper4083 was good enough to answer it because you had the sense to ask about something that you did not know.

Wildish you have a good find there well done.

agreed !

16-05-2013, 06:19 AM
Thanks for that ... I glad that the advice I REcived came from a SAPPER much appreciated 4083 ....

16-05-2013, 09:16 AM
Thanks for that ... I glad that the advice I REcived came from a SAPPER much appreciated 4083 ....

Whys that Jd ?

16-05-2013, 09:29 AM
Sapper, I may be wrong but JD is being is being very switched on...;) ;)

His reply..." the advice I REcived came from a SAPPER "....made my day..well done JD..:happy-clapping:

16-05-2013, 09:34 AM
Sapper, I may be wrong but JD is being is being very switched on...;) ;)

His reply..." the advice I REcived came from a SAPPER "....made my day..well done JD..:happy-clapping:

Oh yes.....VERY switched on teddy indeed.......

16-05-2013, 11:51 AM
Trees that eat too much...sorry
I see the question has already been answered, so it's time for a joke :jumping-joy:

16-05-2013, 04:13 PM
Am I one of the few people who calls it 'pitchwood'?

16-05-2013, 05:39 PM
Trees that eat too much...sorry
I see the question has already been answered, so it's time for a joke :jumping-joy:

He He He :jumping-joy: :happy-clapping: made my day...

16-05-2013, 05:56 PM
i also know it called pitchwood oakashandthorn, and once its been chopped up its also known as maya sticks too

16-05-2013, 06:09 PM
Correct to saxonaxe and 4083............ Good to see other royalty on here

16-05-2013, 08:10 PM

theres pine gold in them thar hills

16-05-2013, 08:50 PM
i also know it called pitchwood oakashandthorn, and once its been chopped up its also known as maya sticks too
Well, when I hear "fatwood", I keep thinking of a piece of wood with lard slathered all over it... :p

17-05-2013, 02:47 PM
God not another Bailey Bridge builder boy...

Sapper, He's gotta come on the next moot and meet a proper squaddie... :)

17-05-2013, 03:46 PM
Correct to saxonaxe and 4083............ Good to see other royalty on here

Well good morning Mr Stevens........

God not another Bailey Bridge builder boy...

Sapper, He's gotta come on the next moot and meet a proper squaddie...

Only 2 things fall out of the sky Mr B.......

17-05-2013, 04:15 PM
have been extra lucky on my tinder searches lately,i found the mother load of the most resinous fatwood i have ever come across and my crampball stash is coming on in leaps and bounds



Its a good idea not to collect the purpley coloured cramp balls as they have not yet spored. When they do spore they will make a right mess and stain anything around them..

17-05-2013, 05:40 PM
Sapper was kind enough to give me a crampball as a pezzie on the meet, not had chance to try it out yet though. Never used one before but seen them on the box. :)

17-05-2013, 06:42 PM
Ahhh is simonb one of them who always seem to have their front teeth missing and enjoys cabbage rugby

17-05-2013, 08:08 PM
Ahhh is simonb one of them who always seem to have their front teeth missing and enjoys cabbage rugby


17-05-2013, 09:41 PM
Its a good idea not to collect the purpley coloured cramp balls as they have not yet spored. When they do spore they will make a right mess and stain anything around them..

Learnt that the hard way...

19-05-2013, 10:22 AM
Ahhh is simonb one of them who always seem to have their front teeth missing and enjoys cabbage rugby

I am... and you two enjoy putting stuff together... I think it's called " Docking "...... :shocked: :D

19-05-2013, 10:45 AM
I am... and you two enjoy putting stuff together... I think it's called " Docking "...... :shocked: :D

Im shocked....actually you Airborne types never cease to amaze me with your feats of........

19-05-2013, 11:30 AM
Sapper was kind enough to give me a crampball as a pezzie on the meet, not had chance to try it out yet though. Never used one before but seen them on the box. :)

What? he's been giving away my cramp balls?

19-05-2013, 11:38 AM
Im shocked....actually you Airborne types never cease to amaze me with your feats of........

You're only jealous cos we do more damage when we land.............. :P

19-05-2013, 11:52 AM
You're only jealous cos we do more damage when we land.............. :P

yup countless TV and satellite aerials ruined, greenhouses smashed, brothels ransacked, pubs drunk dry....which regt was the first across Pegasus Bridge ? Up the Ox and Bucks ;)

19-05-2013, 12:01 PM
which regt was the first across Pegasus Bridge ? Up the Ox and Bucks ;)

True... But we let them have the chaffe before dealing with the wheat... :guns:

19-05-2013, 05:48 PM
But what happens when you land in a mine field ???????


19-05-2013, 05:55 PM


19-05-2013, 06:13 PM
have been extra lucky on my tinder searches lately,i found the mother load of the most resinous fatwood i have ever come across and my crampball stash is coming on in leaps and bounds



Its not tinder find but Ade kindly give me some crampballs, not sure how to use them as tinder so advice reqiured please cheers

19-05-2013, 06:14 PM
Its not tinder find but Ade kindly give me some crampballs, not sure how to use them as tinder so advice reqiured please cheers

should take a spark from a ferro rod or transfer an ember from charcloth/amadou onto the crampball

Ferrell freddy
29-05-2013, 04:16 PM
UnRElated to the thREad just noticed the strong contingent and thought i'd join in! SimonB you'd probably be twice as sick with myself being a gREen lidded "Bailey Boy"!


29-05-2013, 05:13 PM
UnRElated to the thREad just noticed the strong contingent and thought i'd join in! SimonB you'd probably be twice as sick with myself being a gREen lidded "Bailey Boy"!


Ha ha ha ha....nice one .....Good Morning Mr Stevens

17-06-2013, 09:56 PM
UnRElated to the thREad just noticed the strong contingent and thought i'd join in! SimonB you'd probably be twice as sick with myself being a gREen lidded "Bailey Boy"!


Oh no................ Not a Laurel and buster with a spanner................ I'm surrounded by craphats !!!! :p

Ferrell freddy
18-06-2013, 04:42 PM
I haven't worn a hat in a while, though I left the hattitude in basic... we all started out the same, just some of us chose to do different courses, the one I chose being more "the thinking mans arduous course.." :tongue:

18-06-2013, 04:43 PM
I haven't worn a hat in a while, though I left the hattitude in basic... we all started out the same, just some of us chose to do different courses, the one I chose being more "the thinking mans arduous course.." :tongue:


better a hat than a 'tommy ten cookers' ;) Simon knows what i mean

18-06-2013, 07:04 PM
Exactly what NBC is all about sharing knowledge, thanks ian c 'If in doubt ASK' :wink:

Jd33 you are not a div, you asked a question and sapper4083 was good enough to answer it because you had the sense to ask about something that you did not know.
Wildish you have a good find there well done.

18-06-2013, 07:12 PM
exactly what nbc is all about sharing knowledge,

+1 t^

18-06-2013, 08:04 PM
the one I chose being more "the thinking mans arduous course.." :tongue:

You mean learning to talk, and breathe on your own?...... ;)

Sapper, LOLOLOL.

Ashley Cawley
18-06-2013, 09:59 PM
Sorry for being a div but can someone please explain fat wood for me


Ashley Cawley
18-06-2013, 10:11 PM
Its a good idea not to collect the purpley coloured cramp balls as they have not yet spored. When they do spore they will make a right mess and stain anything around them..

It is also worth noting that certain tiny creatures can often live inside them and can thrive if they are bagged up together, I usually put them in a Tupperware pot on the windowsill and give them a treatment of either hot or cold and aim to dry them out at the same time if possible to kill the bugs and control the spores.

I just used about 15-20 cramp balls last week during demonstrations in fire workshops, I think they're absolutely superb. Don't get me wrong its not one of the first tinders that I turn to when I am out but it is one of the most magical and fun tinders.

25-06-2013, 08:07 PM
You mean learning to talk, and breathe on your own?...... ;)

Sapper, LOLOLOL.

A Para narrowly escaped serious injury recently when he attempted horseback riding with no prior experience.

After mounting his horse unassisted, the horse immediately began moving.

As it galloped along at a steady and rhythmic pace, the Para, who has not been named, began to slip sideways from the saddle.

Although attempting to grab for the horse's mane the Para could not get a firm grip. He then threw his arms around the horse's neck but continued to slide down the side of the horse.

The horse galloped along, seemingly oblivious to its slipping rider....

Finally, losing his grip, the rider attempted to leap away from the horse and throw himself to safety…

However, his foot became entangled in the stirrup, leaving him at the mercy of the horse's pounding hooves as his head and upper body repeatedly struck the ground.

Moments away from unconsciousness and possible death, to his great fortune a Royal Engineer, shopping at ALDI saw him and quickly unplugged the horse.

25-06-2013, 10:06 PM
Its all in the punchline...

26-06-2013, 05:22 PM
Saw that joke on FB I'm a Sapper .... Did laugh quite a bit

26-06-2013, 05:26 PM
Saw that joke on FB I'm a Sapper .... Did laugh quite a bit

Interesting.............i got it off facebook and changed the original helper to a sapper from an AGC typist purely for Simons benefit

26-06-2013, 07:38 PM
The tinder I favour at the moment is birch bark, I have tried Maya stick shavings and even cramp balls but without success unless I am using a direct flame instead of a steel. I also use charcloth as my back up system but I do also carry maya stick and few cramps.