View Full Version : Suffolk Bushcraft Monthly Meet

Big Stu 12
12-05-2013, 04:08 PM
*June 7th and 8th June 2013

2 Night Monthly Suffolk Bushcraft Group Meeting 7th and 8th June 2013

All Welcome, Newbies, all levels of experience, Tree and Ground Dwellers.

A 10 Acre mixed Woodland that is very quite and secluded, and lends itself to wild camping, both in Hammocks and Tents, just outside of the village of Stansfield- Meet at H. E. Dennis & Son, Bayments Farm, Stansfield, Sudbury, Suffolk, CO10 8LN. 14:00 hrs, normally finishing about midday on the Sunday. Please be on time as the Woodland is hard to find.

The Camp Site charge is £10 per person for the Weekend, fees for the site to be paid to me (Big Stu) as you arrive, this will have to be in cash.

Under 18s
Are welcome to attend, they are the responsibility of the Parent/Guardian that they came to the meet with.

Our meets, are good natured and light hearted, with safety in mind, we ai to carry this on with self regulation, if it does not then the offending person will be asked to leave immediately.

This is a very wild site...The nearest Toilets, Shower are back at the Bayments Farm Yard, the nearest Tap is about a 600m from the Woodland.*Personal Hygiene - there is NO toilets in the woodland, apart from the ones at the Farm, please bring your Hygiene kits, There is a Group Latrine that is to be used in all case's, it is a requirement of the Landowner.

There is no Facility to leave rubbish on site or at the farm, please bring a Rubbish Bag for your waste and take it home; we have had occasions were other peoples pitches have been cleaned up by others, You Carry In – You Carry Out

Fire Places and Fire scar’s to be kept to a minimum, this will depend on activities, if you make a Fire Scar for any reason, other than communal one, then it is your responsibility to clean it up,

The Main communal Fire is Everyone’s responsibility to clean up after.

Group Meal,

There is normally a Group Meal on Saturday would anyone attending like to offer to do it?

(The Group meals are supplied but the person making them, then the cost is divided between the participants, please remember Cash is required)

Other Info
We are on probation at this site, so please keep to the simple rules and treat it with respect.

The Car Parking for the woodland will be about 800m away from the woodland, we are allowed to drop off and pick up at the woodland, if the ground is too wet then, most of the gear will have to walked in, I can arrange for help for people that can not walk that far due to a health reason, I need to know this in advance.

I will be taking the normal, Griddle, and tripod, Coleman Lamp, also a couple of Tarps, for a group shelter,Wood can be gathered from around the site, Dead Wood only to be used.

Of course Photo's and the Micky being taken is compulsory....*And Fluffy Hot water bottles/slippers are welcome.....

Also don't forget, people do bring swaps and items for sale, so a meet can be a great place to get some kit.. reason to bring a little bit of cash with you.

All Attendee's, attend and take part in any activities at their own risk....by attending you agree to this term.

First AidThere are no First Aid facilities on site, so you will need to bring your own kit,
The nearest A & E is 20 minutes drive at;
West Suffolk Hospital
Hardwick Lane
Bury St Edmunds
Suffolk IP33 2QZ
01284 713000

If you would be interested in attending the meet, please PM me,

Big Stu 12
29-05-2013, 08:27 AM
There is now 7 attending, and a week 1/2 to go, This is a small meet, with a great set of regulars, in a wood that is wild, and very quite, and off the beaten track.

PM me if you Interested in attending

Big Stu 12
01-06-2013, 09:23 AM
With next weekend approaching, re-posting the information, be good to see some new attendee's as well as catching up with the regular's

Big Stu 12
04-06-2013, 01:32 PM
Got 9 attendees at the moment, looking like its going to be a nice meet, with some good activites going on, that will be driven by the guys there, and how people feel, Have spoken to a couple of the guys about what they will want to do , and it looks like some Natural Shelter building, Map and compass work, some wood working skills, and the norm, stuf, along with some chilling out. The group meal is going to be a Pork Joint Roast done by Paul, Thank you PAul for the offer.

If your intersted, drop me a PM.


Big Stu 12
10-06-2013, 05:55 PM
Got back home, now had a shower.... that's the best thing about striking a camp... but I still hate leaving after a great weekend with a great bunch of guys.

Friday Started off with meeting Carl and Chris at the meeting place Colin was already at the woods making the most of the surroundings, we then made our way to the woods Colin had finished setting up, and we got our pits sorted, set up the communal area and the Latrine, Simon Turned up mid afternoon with all his gear on the Bike later, followed by Kirkland on Paul Turned up with Jordan, that night all we did was sit and chat, until bed time came,


The next morning we all awoke to one of the loudest dawn chorus ever, that included a cookoo, what a lovely sound, some went to sleep after that, breakfast was had, and the day begin Simon and Kirkland went into the woods and made a nice natural shelter that Kirkland used that night, Myself, Chris and Colin started to make a Shave Horse, and some more seats, Carl went into Navigation practice mode and went for a walk, Paul set to work doing some campy things along with Jordan did a bit of carving,


Carl had brought a Chronograph so that I could Check my Old HW35 and see how well it was working, as it had been sitting in a cupboard for about 25 years... so I'd put a bit of Oil into the thing and worked it a couple of times, after a number of shots we started to get a figure on the Chrono.... average was about 3.8 flb..... so some work to be done there me thinks.......

Saturday night saw the Pork spit roast in rolls, with a Eaton mess type desert..mmmm all were well fed..

Sunday morning saw a slow wake up and pack up, we finally left the site and made our way home,

It was a great weekend with some great guys, and some good activities, shame that others could not make it, hope to see you soon, The shave horse, seats, and shelter are being left there, ready for the next meet so we can expand the assets we have at the site..

25-09-2013, 11:59 PM
Will this be happening again this year?

Big Stu 12
26-09-2013, 01:40 PM
Will this be happening again this year?

Its a monthly meet see this thread on BCUK


26-09-2013, 10:36 PM
Looks good

10-10-2013, 11:08 PM
Wish I went to this

19-11-2013, 10:10 PM
Hi are the Suffolk Bushcrafters still going asks this newcomer to the forum

19-11-2013, 10:13 PM
Welcome to the forum watatoad, could you please hop on over to the new members section and do a general intro to the members, whilst there could you also familiarise yourself with forum ettiquette etc....many thanks

19-11-2013, 10:25 PM
Been there and done it