View Full Version : Volunteering for Woodland

30-05-2013, 04:03 PM
Hello Everyone,
made a post a little while back that i did not think would get much of a response about a project my employer and I are working on and yet a fair few members emailed me back very enthusiastic on the subject, anyway below is a somewhat detailed message aimed at those in the merseyside area who might want to do some volunteer work in exchange for use of the woodland;

...where to start? Well for the past year or so my current employer has had the idea to expand the business into a untapped industry in the Merseyside area i.e. Bushcraft & Survival. Since then I was employed to make it all happen and with time and all the red tape to cut through it has all fallen in to place all that is required is to turn the desired area into an appropriate bushcraft location.

This will include coppicing trees, clearing brush, creating woodland amenities such as a fire pit , furniture, wood cutting horse, wind breakers, weaved fences, various teaching camps and staff and client camp sites. Any suggestions from those willing to participate are always welcome. As far as the woodland itself is concerned, it it named Switzerland wood, it is mostly dominated by sycamore, lime, birch, beech, yew, oak, with a few pine and hazel trees dotted about, there are water sources about the place; the main one being a water table located right next to the chosen site with various channels that are different in levels of volume. And most recently the council has cut down acres worth of old dried up rhododendron bushes perfect for keeping several fires going for up to a year.

All of whom are interested will have to go through a face to face meeting with myself and my employer, for legal reasons but mainly to get a feel for the kinda people they are on a personal level and to find out what peoples bushcraft/ Survival intentions will be with the use of our woodland. Unfortunately it is not on a come when ever you like basis, due to the land owners decision and over lapping complications with our current working schedule. What we will be offering would be set dates of when to come down and help out for so much time then the rest of the over night stay or just a day trip will be yours to do as you wish as long as it meets up to our rules and regulations which will be gone over at the initial meet up; this way all of whom involved can show up as a group rather than flowing in every now and again which can be a bit of a mess for us on this end you see. We are aiming at once or twice a week/weekend for set dates; there is possibility for wiggle room every now and again. There will always be at least one member of staff over night usually myself in the area as well, for legal reason you understand.

Anyway I hope all this information was sufficient in giving you a better idea of what my post was about If you have any more questions or are interested in meeting up please either contact me on here through private message or respond to my email address below;


Cheers Ste :campfire:

30-05-2013, 08:52 PM
Wish I lived closer,

01-06-2013, 07:31 AM
good luck with the project! sounds great