View Full Version : Summer Solstice

01-06-2013, 11:05 AM
Anyine doing anything for the solstice on the 21st of the month?

I fancy going down to Stone Henge as its not that far, I've never been before and I guess any campsite will be fully booked by now.

Anyone going or have any ideas of what to do?

01-06-2013, 11:30 AM
i am up for it mate,where to meet? mine?

01-06-2013, 02:35 PM
Birthday celebrations here, my youngest Tyrsson was born on the summer solstice and my eldest on the winter solstice (21st Dec for anyone who didn't know)

Also we will be holding our Blot and burning a sunwheel for the solstice too. 8787

01-06-2013, 05:56 PM
Birthday celebrations here, my youngest Tyrsson was born on the summer solstice and my eldest on the winter solstice (21st Dec for anyone who didn't know)

Also we will be holding our Blot and burning a sunwheel for the solstice too. 8787


03-06-2013, 10:07 AM
Anyine doing anything for the solstice on the 21st of the month?

I fancy going down to Stone Henge as its not that far, I've never been before and I guess any campsite will be fully booked by now.

Anyone going or have any ideas of what to do?

Being out here in SA, I envy you the opportunities you have in the UK at mid summer, but aren't you six months too early to visit the Henge?
It's my under standing that the premier alignment of the stones are set to celibrate the winter equinox (ie. end of winter start of summer). I imagine the ancestors were only too glad of a sign that signalled rebirth and a warm up to boot!
Now thousands of hippy (Druid Wan'abees) prance around celebrating (everything going downhill) present weather in the UK notwithstanding!
I think you must link up with Fish and head for one of his magic spots and work on your own celebrations!

03-06-2013, 04:12 PM
Being out here in SA, I envy you the opportunities you have in the UK at mid summer, but aren't you six months too early to visit the Henge?
It's my under standing that the premier alignment of the stones are set to celibrate the winter equinox (ie. end of winter start of summer). I imagine the ancestors were only too glad of a sign that signalled rebirth and a warm up to boot!
Now thousands of hippy (Druid Wan'abees) prance around celebrating (everything going downhill) present weather in the UK notwithstanding!
I think you must link up with Fish and head for one of his magic spots and work on your own celebrations!

Err, it is the start of summer in the northern hemisphere. :)


Old Guard
03-06-2013, 06:09 PM
"Summer" !! ...can someone explain the concept of this, as I seem to have forgotton what it is :confused2:

Kernowek Scouser
03-06-2013, 07:03 PM
"Summer" !! ...can someone explain the concept of this, as I seem to have forgotton what it is :confused2:

My understanding of this summer concept is that is an annual British ritual, performed once a year, on different dates each year, between May and September. Excitable young children run around laughing, pointing at the sky and asking their parents, who tradition dictates are grumpy and dressed in winter clothes, what the big yellow ball in the sky is.

It usually rains before said parents can complete their answer.

If all goes to plan, I'll be doing an overnighter near St Buryan on the 20th, getting up before dawn (this is the part of the plan that is most problematic) then heading up to Boscawen-Un (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boscawen-Un) for sunrise on the solstice.

Could be fun :D

Old Guard
03-06-2013, 07:44 PM

03-06-2013, 08:00 PM
So whose going then?

03-06-2013, 08:09 PM
My understanding of this summer concept is that is an annual British ritual, performed once a year, on different dates each year, between May and September. Excitable young children run around laughing, pointing at the sky and asking their parents, who tradition dictates are grumpy and dressed in winter clothes, what the big yellow ball in the sky is.

It usually rains before said parents can complete their answer.

If all goes to plan, I'll be doing an overnighter near St Buryan on the 20th, getting up before dawn (this is the part of the plan that is most problematic) then heading up to Boscawen-Un (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boscawen-Un) for sunrise on the solstice.

Could be fun :D


03-06-2013, 08:15 PM
I'm going to try and get down there, not exactly sure what I will be doing just yet. Got to talk the boss into going!

03-06-2013, 08:35 PM
Err, it is the start of summer in the northern hemisphere. :)


I'm aware of that Martin, I was born and lived there for the first twenty one years of my life, but unless I missed a trick Stamp is refering to 21/June which is Summer Solstice (Mid Summer) and I stick with my story the henge was built to celebrate Mid winter, but hey if people want to get naked, smoke drink and dance,who am I to stand in their way!

03-06-2013, 09:58 PM
21/June which is Summer Solstice (Mid Summer) and I stick with my story the henge was built to celebrate Mid winter, but hey if people want to get naked, smoke drink and dance,who am I to stand in their way!

There have been some very interesting researches in recent years regarding the history of Stonehenge and its relevance to the solstices not to mention its origins. If I can find the links I will stick them up.

03-06-2013, 10:02 PM
I daren't burn a sunwheel around these parts :( I shall head off up the highest hill i think and await the dawn

03-06-2013, 10:07 PM
I daren't burn a sunwheel around these parts :( I shall head off up the highest hill i think and await the dawn

That's a shame but the sunrise itself, especially when considered from the spiritual point of view is more than special.

Hail Sunna!

03-06-2013, 10:22 PM
Hail Sunna!


10-06-2013, 10:19 AM

I can't get any time off work so will have to miss it for another year or wait for the winter solstice...

Kernowek Scouser
10-06-2013, 10:47 AM
I know where you are coming from, I'm working on the Solstice too and in an ideal world I'd have the day off. But as I'm doing an early on the Thursday and a late on the Friday, I'm planning to hike over to Boscawen - Un on the Thursday afternoon, camp, get me head down early, then get up about 4am, pack up, head to the standing stones, enjoy the sunrise, which down here is just after 5am, chill out for a bit, then hike back.

I'm giving myself four hours to do a walk I know I can do in two and a half, which still leaves me an hour to play with to get a shower and eat before heading to work for ten hours.

Going to be a long day, but hopefully well worth it :D

10-06-2013, 11:26 AM
All weather dependant fella, hoping for a clear night/morning... I to will be at work thursday night/friday morning, so depending where abouts in the country I find myself, I may just park up with a brew and a shortbread............ATB Ian...

Kernowek Scouser
20-06-2013, 07:51 PM
Well I hope those heading out tonight have a good one tomorrow morning.

I've had to amend my plans as I'm now doing a 6am start in work tomorrow. Had to knock the overnighter at Boscawen-Un on the head (going to do it Sunday night instead now). But not a complete bust. I'm still going to get up before sunrise and head up to the Knill, at the top of near by Steeple Hill (from where you can see the North and South coasts of Cornwall). Should be a nice spot to take in the dawn.

20-06-2013, 09:45 PM
All the best to all as K.S. says.

Hail Sunna rising!


20-06-2013, 09:53 PM
All the best to all as K.S. says.

Hail Sunna rising!




21-06-2013, 12:14 PM
"Avoid stonehenge" would be my advice. Traffic last night coming along the A303 was horrendous. It's amazing I didn't actually kill someone. I was shaking with rage at the Cooperative food truck who sat in the right hand lane to block me for no other reason than he thought the merge that was 800m ahead should happen there and then. I took his registration, and if we ever meet again... :guns:

21-06-2013, 01:19 PM
any pictures of the sunrise? anyone?

21-06-2013, 01:28 PM
any pictures of the sunrise? anyone?

not in Yorkshire my friend its been hidden behind cloud all day

Kernowek Scouser
21-06-2013, 03:03 PM
No pictures sorry, as it was windy mizzle here at sunrise and my low tech digicam is dependably unreliable in such conditions.

The sunrise was kind of eerie, all the birds chirruping before dawn, fell silent and the wind that is usually quite sharp at the top of Steeple Hill, dropped off to a gentle breeze. I was the only soul about, which surprised me, but I got to enjoy a peaceful few minutes of quiet and calm as the sun rising, brightened the cloud cover.

Definitely worth getting up early for, but I am feeling the early start now. Siesta time soon, I think *#*