View Full Version : Whilst sitting in a bird hide...

16-01-2011, 05:02 PM
Look what pops it's head out...

...A Bittern!:happy-clapping: We live in the Lea Valley in Hertfordshire and there's three sites we visit (incl an RSPB site) which support Bitterns in the winter. We then bombed round to the hide in the background and saw it move across from one reed bed to another. On the other side we saw...

...Blow me, a Smew!:happy-clapping: This is one of two of the above sites locally that support this diving Duck...

...and whilst not really rare, this Reed Bunting was entertaining on the feeders.

And whilst we were in the second hide we looked at the hardcore twitchers in the totally wrong place to see the Bittern and probably the Smew too...decided to PMSL as it's quieter than LMAO:p

When we walked home past them I mentioned the locations to them and several tried to move off in an orderly fashion whilst trying not to look like they were trying to be first off to the hides. Good days viewing/ entertainment I'd say.

I reckon I'd better send that Smew pic in for next years Countryfile calendar:rolleye::D

16-01-2011, 05:10 PM
Good one.. Bet you was well pleased. I have never seen a Bittern or a smew. Got lots of photos of Reed Buntings though.. I love the patterning on the females..
Have you ever heard the bittern boom..?

16-01-2011, 06:54 PM
You guys name your birds funny. :)

This is what we named a smew here in North America, but is spelt differently.



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Ashley Cawley
17-01-2011, 09:33 AM
Hello everyone, I am David and new to this forum. Here I just wanted to introduce myself.
Hi David, we have an area for introductions here (http://www.naturalbushcraft.co.uk/forum/forumdisplay.php?37-Introduce-Yourself-amp-Welcome-to-the-Community%21). But Welcome to the forum :)

17-01-2011, 12:27 PM
Even though Bitterns are arriving in increasing numbers each winter near me I've never heard their boom. Rare birds like buses eh? None for ages then two show up.