View Full Version : Fathers Day

16-06-2013, 06:46 PM
I hope all you fathers had a great day today and sons/daughters treated yours dads to something special, even if its just an extra phone call :happy-clapping:
I was a very lucky dad today, I had a cupa tea in bed and some lovely presents pictured below. I had to pop out in the morning to earn a little extra cash felling a tree for a guy an work (all money towards my two weeks in Belgium later in the year). My dad came over for roast Lamb and a long chat about some options on making a few buck saws and some furniture too (mainly tables for a local interior designer). So all in all I have had a great day, even if I didn't get out in the woods, I managed to test out my new fire lighting kit in the garden.


16-06-2013, 07:04 PM
Lucky you...mine was a normal 'any given sunday'

16-06-2013, 07:12 PM
Lucky you...mine was a normal 'any given sunday'

Sorry about that mate, we go in for these things in our house, I got home made cards from my boys because they mean so much more than the over priced ones in the shops!

16-06-2013, 07:13 PM
Sorry about that mate, we go in for these things in our house, I got home made cards from my boys because they mean so much more than the over priced ones in the shops!

go on rub it in.....

16-06-2013, 07:23 PM


16-06-2013, 07:36 PM
Both mine live some distance away. Daughter is visiting Vienna, and son is one of those exec's who fly up and down motorways sorting out other companies problems 6 days a week and quite often on a Sunday too!!

So I went for a wander up the river in the dinghy..where the silence is deafening..:D

http://i279.photobucket.com/albums/kk136/highandry_photos/river26-5002.jpg (http://s279.photobucket.com/user/highandry_photos/media/river26-5002.jpg.html) http://i279.photobucket.com/albums/kk136/highandry_photos/024.jpg (http://s279.photobucket.com/user/highandry_photos/media/024.jpg.html)

16-06-2013, 07:48 PM
My Sunday was mostly spent running the son back and forth to Karate for practice and grading. Still, he earned his 1st Kyu (or brown and white belt!). Not bad considering this time last week he was just out of hospital. Still got a few problems he has to deal with though.

Don't mind so much, do anything for the kids. My day was yesterday anyway, crossed to the other side of 40. Apparently, some study that has recently been undertaken says that I still have not yet reached maturity. The avarage age for men to pass on from their childhood is 43, so that gives me another couple of years ;)

16-06-2013, 08:09 PM
My day consisted mainly of household chores, walking dogs, mucking out ferrets and driving to Skipton to collect a ferret cage....Im waiting for my fathers day gift to arrive.... Samuel Hearnes book, a tatonka pot and a norse mythology painting

17-06-2013, 12:59 AM
Breakfast in bed for me;) made by me:rolleyes:
Did get a meal out, a watch, a pair of sandal socks (don`t ask)
Oh, did I mention, a ticket for Bruce Springsteen at Hamden Park on Tuesday!!!!!!

17-06-2013, 08:42 AM
I got up at 5:30. Shot some pigeons. I got a Kindle for fathers day..... very good specialy as at work I am doing the most soul destroying job and now I can read One Mans Wilderness while I'm doing it and dream of the great outdoors.
Spent the day in her parents garden with her family. Had a few beers, got sunburned. Then home and dressed the pigeons from the morning and put the breasts in the freezer.

17-06-2013, 07:33 PM
I'll cover my Sunday morning in another thread.... however, I was pleased to get My Time - Bradley Wiggins and The Top Gear Years - Clarkson.

Should keep me out of mischief whilst commuting!

Had Chinese for tea. And again tonight but for some reason I always eat the left overs cold :confused2:

17-06-2013, 09:36 PM
Made a stop over to the nursing home in my town to deliver a few CDs (classical music) to a USMC Korean War vet...he had been wanting to hear the symphonies and concertos for awhile, and he was almost in tears when he received them. And to top it, we went down the hall to the visitor lounge and popped a disc in the CD stereo. We listened to Schumann and Beethoven, and talked for a bit...what a man ;).

17-06-2013, 09:41 PM
Good to know he's not one of the forgotten.. :D T^

17-06-2013, 09:47 PM
Good to know he's not one of the forgotten.. :D T^


Went to work at zero dark hundred, dealt with dipsh1ts all day, got home to decorating and prepping for a house move. After packing the entire house into cardboard boxes discovered that we are now not moving.... retreated to Glenlivet!