View Full Version : Not so shy now..

20-06-2013, 12:28 AM
Went for a wander along the river today and got a few snaps of a Little Egret. They are now much more common locally than they used to be, and must be getting used to humans as at one time he would have been gone before I got close..:)



This Stonecrop grows well on the wasteland close to the river and today in the hot sun made the area look golden.



There's also a lot of Birds Foot Trefoil mixed in with it and the area was alive with Bees.


Just for a colour change, one of my favourites, Common Mallow.


And these pale delicate Dog Roses.


20-06-2013, 07:53 AM
stunning birds, egrets... great pics mate, keep them coming.

20-06-2013, 12:38 PM
Enjoyed looking at them pics Saxonaxe...T^

20-06-2013, 03:00 PM
T^ Lucky you to get so close to the egret :D.
How many species of Mallow are there in your area?

20-06-2013, 05:59 PM
T^ Lucky you to get so close to the egret :D.
How many species of Mallow are there in your area?

The Common Mallow certainly lives up to it's name around here, it grows happily in many places, from road sides to waste ground. Tree Mallow I've seen too, there is one lane leading up to the Downs where it grows along the hedgerows but it isn't so widespread as the Common Mallow locally. I've only seen Marsh Mallow out on Pevensey Marshes close to the county boundry with Kent. So three species to my knowledge.

20-06-2013, 06:20 PM
I always thought marsh mallow was very common, until I have eaten than all after toasting them round the fire at least...

20-06-2013, 06:28 PM

20-06-2013, 06:42 PM
I always thought marsh mallow was very common, until I have eaten than all after toasting them round the fire at least...

;) ;) Someone have a word with him will they ? ;)

Adam Savage
20-06-2013, 07:02 PM
;) ;) Someone have a word with him will they ? ;)

Have to have a word with myself first, was gunna say a similar thing :)

20-06-2013, 07:04 PM
That's a good post for us flora dumb people, thanks

01-07-2013, 01:02 PM

01-07-2013, 07:20 PM
The Common Mallow certainly lives up to it's name around here, it grows happily in many places, from road sides to waste ground. Tree Mallow I've seen too, there is one lane leading up to the Downs where it grows along the hedgerows but it isn't so widespread as the Common Mallow locally. I've only seen Marsh Mallow out on Pevensey Marshes close to the county boundry with Kent. So three species to my knowledge.
Indeed, lots of Common Mallow/Cheeses in my area as well...it makes a good soup thickener ;). Haven't come across Marsh Mallow (I guess it prefers estuaries and salt marshes over freshwater marshes :confused2:), but there is some High Mallow if you know where to look. :D