View Full Version : First 2-nighter of the year...

23-06-2013, 02:13 PM
...ended in disaster.

So I was all set, all prepared, and actually rather excited. It was the first chance I'd had this year to get away for a few nights in the woodland. So I got up nice and early, checked over my gear, and headed out into the unknown for a few nights of bushcraft, adventure, and time alone in the wilderness. I arrived at my starting point and began my trek through the forest towards my planned overnight site, taking time to get a few snaps of the natural beauty along the way. I arrived, and promptly set up my IPK and got a brew fire on the go. Now time to chill for a while and take in the immense scenery. After I'd downed my second cup of coffee I set about building myself a more comfortable camp, build my fire surround, established a water source, organised my kit, and collected fire wood. Now, and this is where it all went wrong, I decided to build myself a little lean-to shelter, purely for keeping my kit in overnight incase the weather changed. All was going well until a slip with my Mora, and next thing I know my hand in piddling blood all over the ground. Of course, I had a first aid kit with me, so I was able to clean myself up and get a dressing on. The cut was obviously deep, and would require stitches, so I phoned the only person I was sure didn't have work that day (Wednesday), my dad. He took me to the hospital, leaving all my kit behind, as I was eager to get the procedure done and get back out into the wild. Upon arriving at A&E, I was greeted with the usual 7 hour wait to be seen. Finally, I was called in to the examination room, only to be told that not only had I sliced the flesh on my hand, I had also sliced through a tendon and the "joint capsule" of my index finger. An overnighter and surgery in the morning was on the books. Well, that overnighter turned into 4 days before discharge, and surgery under general anaesthetic. I had no hope of getting back out to my camp this week, or any time soon by the looks of it as I have no use of my index finger at all. Apparently I will recover use and feeling within 3 months, but in the mean time it's useless. My hand is strapped up the size of a melon and I'm in incredible agony at the slightest movement.

On the brightside, at least I can say that I know how to get that razor finish on a blade :p And I'm at no risk of losing any of the kit I had to leave behind, as the area I was in looked as though no one had been there, well, ever. I will try to recover it as soon as I am fit enough to get out an retrieve it.

Now, I' sure there is a message about knife safety knocking around here somewhere, but if truth be told, I'm too high on prescription painkillers to recognise it! :eek:

23-06-2013, 04:08 PM
What a terrible way for your trip to end. :shocked:. You made the right decision to get immediate attention.

23-06-2013, 04:12 PM
Pardon the pun, but fingers crossed for both your finger and your kit - I for one don't want to read another post about kit being robbed but its easier
to replace kit than a body part
Get well soon Bri

23-06-2013, 04:24 PM
Glad youre ok Steve...good job you had a FAK, the necessary training, common sense and dad on hand to casevac you...

23-06-2013, 05:19 PM
:shocked: Terrible indeed :(. Hope you make a sound recovery.

23-06-2013, 05:50 PM
my brother in law did the same thing cutting an an apple at home. +1 on the necessity of carrying a FAK, and also knowing what to do with it.

23-06-2013, 06:12 PM
thats bad buddy.. i hope your on the mend.. fingers crossed for your kit aswell mate..

23-06-2013, 06:53 PM
pure bad luck pal!! glad your on the mend and hopefully kit will still be where you left it,i agree with Bri dont want another stolen kit story!!!!

23-06-2013, 07:07 PM
That's a sorry tale. I really feel for ya.

23-06-2013, 07:31 PM
Best wishes from Tigger and family for a great final result, health and kit,

23-06-2013, 09:16 PM
Thanks for the well wishes everyone. I'll upload the pictures I got when I can get my camera back. Luckily I left it in my dads car on the way to the hospital, and not in the mids of the forest!

24-06-2013, 02:24 PM
9079 My water source for the planned 2 nighter.

9080 Getting a brew on the go.

9081 The camp (note: I fashioned a stake to raise the front of my IPK to allow the heat reflector to do its magic to maximum effect during the daytime).

9082 Admiring the incredible scenery I'd found myself in.

9083 Chilling with a brew before SHTF. :(

24-06-2013, 04:32 PM
cheers Steve.....any post op pics ? Purely to satisfy my interest in all things medical of course

24-06-2013, 05:07 PM
Hope your hand recovers buddy, I did something similar a while back, sliced through the tendon on the back of my little finger. Had stitched up at hospital only for it to tear and require a second surgery to repair the tendon, nearly have full use of it again though. It is amazing how much even the little finger effects your grip.

My episode is documented here.


24-06-2013, 05:51 PM
cheers Steve.....any post op pics ? Purely to satisfy my interest in all things medical of course

I'm glad you asked Sapper, as I've been itching for an excuse to get the dressings off and have a look at the butchers handy work myself :D


I have a "pre-Op" pic too, but that might be a little too gruesome for this forum...

24-06-2013, 06:11 PM
I'm glad you asked Sapper, as I've been itching for an excuse to get the dressings off and have a look at the butchers handy work myself :D


I have a "pre-Op" pic too, but that might be a little too gruesome for this forum...

Nice.....can see how you did it. You could PM me it would like to use it in my FA training courses - if thats ok

24-06-2013, 06:20 PM
Nice.....can see how you did it. You could PM me it would like to use it in my FA training courses - if thats ok

Yeah, that's sound mate. I'll try and work out how to do it now :)

24-06-2013, 06:37 PM
Steve - liked the photos (more so the first lot! ;) ) - thanks for posting.


24-06-2013, 08:44 PM
Feel for you, but like the others have said better that your finger was sorted than worrying about your kit.

Shame though looked like you had a nice camp and a lovely evening ahead of you there.

Hope your finger gets better soon.

24-06-2013, 09:12 PM
Yeah, hope you get better soon. Looks like a real nice weekend you had lined up there.

25-06-2013, 02:20 PM
Cheers guys. I'm sure I'll be on the mend soon :)