View Full Version : Got lost in some woodlands today

23-06-2013, 05:26 PM
managed to lose my way in some woodlands today.

What happened waqs that I was taking a shortcut trough some dense woodlands to get back to the car. This to avoid having to climb a small hill...I should have climbed the hill.

Anyway, no drama really. Just had to use my map and compass skills for the first time ever out of the army. Here is a little vid to tell the tale. The sound quallity is awfull as some water had blocked the microphone hole in my camera...but there is some text to help guide you.


Corrected video is back

23-06-2013, 07:31 PM
I wish we had woods in England big enough to get lost in!
It seems every square inch of land has been got at by people.

23-06-2013, 07:39 PM
Great advice and a happy ending too.....arh lovely

23-06-2013, 10:28 PM
" If all else fails, Make a brew"........

You sure you aren't a Yorkshireman Rune?... LOL T^

23-06-2013, 11:00 PM
I wish we had woods in England big enough to get lost in!
It seems every square inch of land has been got at by people.

We have parts people get lost in up here.......or they did last night..... ;)

24-06-2013, 04:51 AM
" If all else fails, Make a brew"........

You sure you aren't a Yorkshireman Rune?... LOL T^

Yorkshire I believe is one of our old colonies...that may explain it :-)

24-06-2013, 08:08 AM
Yorkshire I believe is one of our old colonies...that may explain it :-)

:happy-clapping: it is indeed.....many of our place names derive from Norse...as does my surname :)

11-10-2013, 12:44 PM
That happened to me first time I went to explore the tracks just outside my town. It's right next to town but the railway cut's it off and I couldn't remember how I got over or how to get back across. I felt myself starting to panic as it was getting dark. It's amazing how easy it is to get lost.

13-10-2013, 10:54 PM
I wish we had woods in England big enough to get lost in!
It seems every square inch of land has been got at by people.
You can get lost in a lot of the UK woodlands, its happened to me, not for long but one tree looks very much like another and you can walk round in circles for a long time if you panic. As Rune said stop, think, observe, plan.

Dave ward
14-10-2013, 06:44 AM
Glad you found your way out buddy! Getting lost for a few seconds (or longer for some people) is Easily done. One tree DOES look the same as the other whilst in panic mode. Which brings me to think that if you were really lost it'd be like the best test for any of us who practice skills ha ha at some point you'd need to start going into your practiced skills and just think how fast we'd learn our strong and weak points!

14-10-2013, 09:17 PM
Tracking is also a good skill, when you get lost! There was this story in a book I read...
A girl which had learned tracking skills from her father got lost in the woods and after the first panic eased she remembered her skills and tracked her own tracks home!
That story was the reason why I started tracking!
When you start with tracking the world around you begin to change.
There's so much more which I see now, also in everyday life...and when I'm in the woods I never feel lost because I can see now where I went by.


15-10-2013, 09:04 AM
Tracking is also a good skill, when you get lost! There was this story in a book I read...
A girl which had learned tracking skills from her father got lost in the woods and after the first panic eased she remembered her skills and tracked her own tracks home!
That story was the reason why I started tracking!
When you start with tracking the world around you begin to change.
There's so much more which I see now, also in everyday life...and when I'm in the woods I never feel lost because I can see now where I went by.


It is one of ambitions to learn tracking the book that made me yearn to do it was "Grandfather" by Tom Brown

15-10-2013, 10:37 AM
I like the books of John Brown Jr also...

These two I'm reading right now!


Jon Young is a student of John Brown.

And I can highly recommend the first book of Hannah Nyala, Point last seen.


Here is the link to it...

It isn't a work of fiction! She's writing her own story down and it touched my heart. :)


15-10-2013, 02:19 PM
I like the books of John Brown Jr

Jon Young is a student of John Brown.

And I can highly recommend the first book of Hannah Nyala, Point last seen.


Here is the link to it...

It isn't a work of fiction! She's writing her own story down and it touched my heart. :)


Wow! Thank you Alex managed to get a second hand one from Amazon for £1! Can't wait for it to arrive now!

15-10-2013, 02:57 PM
I also would like to read it again for the first time... Enjoy it.:)


16-10-2013, 12:47 PM
I also would like to read it again for the first time... Enjoy it.:)


The £1 book arrived this morning! I don't know how they delivered it to the island in less than 24 hrs for £2 postage, came across on ferry and everything - amazing!

Have now read about half of it, a bit obsessive, but it's sooooooo good! Thanks Alex for recommending it! I am off to cut a notch in the tread of my boots now - yay! :jumping-joy:

16-10-2013, 01:58 PM
When I saw how excited you were, I felt the urge to read it again!

When I remember it correctly I had read it in the German translation..., so I also will get me a copy and read it again... :D

I also remember that I started to train micro naps after I read it...and it worked!

I'm happy that you like it so much!

Thanks for sharing...
