View Full Version : Hardcore Tent

Under My Basha
23-06-2013, 11:57 PM
Hi everyone maybe this has been asked before but here goes...

I've always camped with a Tarp but looking at getting a tent for comfort
Anyone know of any tents that mean business in all conditions most seem flimsy more at home at festivals.
Looking for a 1-2 man tent
Low height
Very robust ( weight isn't too much of an issue)
And fairly smallish pack size
Something military grade, the snugpak ionosphere ive heard bad things about.

Thanks for the advice guys

Under My Basha
24-06-2013, 12:35 AM
Forgot to say price range £-200.

24-06-2013, 06:04 AM
Wild Country Zephyros 1 Lite. Recently bought one and like it!

24-06-2013, 07:58 AM
Terra Nova Quasar......

24-06-2013, 08:42 AM
Bought from Fleabay a bright Orange Vango Extreme Force 10 (2-3 man tent). I also have an old Vango Odyssey 300, which is still in regular use. NOT the lightest tents 3+kg but utterly bomb proof, kids and dogs share these tents and the new ones are slightly different probably stronger which is unecessary but appears no cost.

My original was c£300, got these off fleabay for c£100 so can't complain

Vango Force Ten 10 Extreme MK2 2 Man tent.

Check out pre-loved.co.uk I picked up a really light 2 man Phoenix that was a great deal for backpacking.

Hope this helps.


Under My Basha
24-06-2013, 11:45 AM
Thanks for the suggestions guys,
Those vango force tents look incredibly tough as does the price, fleabay it is it seems.
Cheers again

24-06-2013, 12:48 PM
Vango Extreme Force 10

Remembered with 'fondness' on my Bronze DoE expedition over Black Hill in the Peak District (before they paved the Pennine Way there) back in 1982...cotton outer, cotton inner with rubber groundsheet and steel poles and pegs - in canvas Karrimor sacs.... they were damned heavy especially when it rained - lucky they are nylon now

Under My Basha
24-06-2013, 01:07 PM
Was considering canvas maybe in a tarp set up but your right Sapper waterproofing has evolved and made them redundant but they are indestructible

24-06-2013, 01:17 PM
Was considering canvas maybe in a tarp set up but your right Sapper waterproofing has evolved and made them redundant but they are indestructible

canvas has its place...not redundant..I have 2 canvas family tents...unbeatable, I have slept in the back of numerous landies and 4 tonners, never got wet under the canvas, the old 2 man bivvy tents were ok as well, just the weight when wet and the need to dry them out thoroughly....

The upper end modern tents are good though, had a Terra Nova Quasar blow completely flat on us on the eastern flanks of Scafell and just pop back up mind you thats what I would expect of a £300 expedition quality tent

24-06-2013, 03:32 PM
Wild Country Zephyros 1 Lite. Recently bought one and like it!


I have the pre "Lite" version which was £99 from sportsdirect (via ebay) and love it. Its strong/light and quickj/easy to put up.

24-06-2013, 08:53 PM
I seem to collect tents

I quite like the look of this one,

very stealthy looking , and wont break the bank.

24-06-2013, 09:35 PM
I used to use a Coleman Cobra Mk2. The flysheet came out so wide it acted as one big guy rope and gale force winds just slid over the top. Excellent bit of kit.

24-06-2013, 11:38 PM
Just found this


Caveat emptor I think is the phrase you'll need, but maybe worth it.

Under My Basha
25-06-2013, 12:56 PM
Thanks for all the ideas they all look solid tents. The Coleman and Gelert seem very simple and robust. Dunno if I'll miss tarp camping under the stars, maybe a low mesh topped frame and tarp could be a compromise in summer months and tent in Winter.

25-06-2013, 01:16 PM
looked at the Coleman - found it here cheap too


Good luck

Under My Basha
25-06-2013, 01:24 PM
Good find Jules. Pays to hunt about with this kit, always abit suspicious of eBay.

Kit Mac
25-06-2013, 03:41 PM
Another vote for the Wild Country Zephyros, I have the 2 man version.


If weight isn't an issue and you want bombproof military quality, how about a pup tent (http://militarymart.co.uk/index.php?_a=product&product_id=1124)?

25-06-2013, 04:20 PM
Another vote for the Wild Country Zephyros, I have the 2 man version.


If weight isn't an issue and you want bombproof military quality, how about a pup tent (http://militarymart.co.uk/index.php?_a=product&product_id=1124)?

Looks familiar........Dark Peak ?

Kit Mac
25-06-2013, 04:58 PM
Aye that's it, on Kinder. We actually got a visit from MR that night. They were on a training exercise and the dog sniffed us out, thinking we were the 'casualty'! Wasn't you was it :)?

Yungen of Bury
25-06-2013, 05:23 PM
cant vouch for it myself, but this is the one im looking at getting, after a bit of research ita rated quite well
Vango Banshee 200 (http://www.outdoorgear.co.uk/Vango-Banshee-200-sku51104604.asp?gclid=CIftnZzc_7cCFcdX3god0HcAvw)
though i reckon id go for the 300, as my misses quite likes camping aswell

on another note, if you go to Go Outdoors and show them that link, they will give it you cheaper :)

Kit Mac
25-06-2013, 05:26 PM
Banshee 200 is a top tent. A couple of my hiking buddies use them; cheap, not too heavy and tough.

25-06-2013, 05:26 PM
You will need the 300 for 2 people and check your height as well. I have the 200 and find it a bit tight and I'm not even 6 foot.

Yungen of Bury
25-06-2013, 05:28 PM
yeah thats another reason id go for the 300, its slightly longer and being 6ft id need the extra length, though i dont sleep perfectly straight so i reckon id be alright.. though if i do decide to buy ill be going to go outdoors to try it first, then hit em with the cheaper site to down the price :D

Under My Basha
25-06-2013, 05:35 PM
Banshees look great, seen a pic of it set up with just the fly sheet because the poles are on the outside, that's perfect for me it can act as a kind of ready shaped tarp. Brilliant I'm sold.
Thanks all for the help

Yungen of Bury
25-06-2013, 05:45 PM

Kit Mac
25-06-2013, 05:50 PM
If you like the idea of tarp tents, have you seen the Luxe Mini-peak II (http://www.backpackinglight.co.uk/shelters-1/WF101.html)?

Sets up with just a walking pole, lots of room inside and pretty lightweight...


25-06-2013, 06:12 PM
Banshees look great, seen a pic of it set up with just the fly sheet because the poles are on the outside, that's perfect for me it can act as a kind of ready shaped tarp. Brilliant I'm sold.
Thanks all for the help

The Zephyros can also be setup without inner.

25-06-2013, 06:59 PM
Aye that's it, on Kinder. We actually got a visit from MR that night. They were on a training exercise and the dog sniffed us out, thinking we were the 'casualty'! Wasn't you was it :)?

Nope - not on a peak team anymore although I know the peak handlers very well and still get called to there - was it a GSD by the way ?

Under My Basha
25-06-2013, 07:02 PM
Always loved an A frame but they aren't completely weather proof and its in the back of my mind. This solves it. I'm like the luxe

Kit Mac
25-06-2013, 07:15 PM
Nope - not on a peak team anymore although I know the peak handlers very well and still get called to there - was it a GSD by the way ?

German Sheep Dog? It was a Springer of somesort IIRC, complete with flashing torch on his jacket. Scared the life out of me when he came tearing across the moor towards us in the dark!

25-06-2013, 07:37 PM
German Sheep Dog? It was a Springer of somesort IIRC, complete with flashing torch on his jacket. Scared the life out of me when he came tearing across the moor towards us in the dark!

Yup...Nick the Kinder handler has a GSD....she's a sweetie...If it was a black and white Springer ? Then thats Toby from Glossop....good dog. I have a Border Collie like most handlers as for the lights some have flashing strobes, some use cyalumes most use bells t least if you cant see the dog, you can hear it

Kit Mac
25-06-2013, 09:17 PM
Sounds like Toby then, ha small world and all that! Nice one :D

25-06-2013, 09:22 PM
Sounds like Toby then, ha small world and all that! Nice one :D

Not many MR dog handlers about fella.....just less than 100 nationally (UK) give or take......inc IOM

Mountain Goat
25-07-2013, 04:26 PM
Vaude taurus UL is a good 2man - pretty lightweight, easy to set up and roomy enough, costs £300 though

25-07-2013, 07:03 PM
I have a Gelert Chinook ll which is big enough for one man and his kit. I know you said you want a low height and ive been eyeing these up (but resisting so far) ...
http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Yellowstone-Alpine-2-Tent-TT006-/111101911712?pt=UK_SportsLeisure_HikingCamping_Ten ts_JN&hash=item19de30a2a0

i do tend to buy inexpensive tents and get a couple of years out them then buy again. My fave tho is still my modded Polish lavvu :)

cuppa joe
25-07-2013, 07:32 PM
http://www.cotswoldoutdoor.com/jack-wolfskin-gossamer-bivvi-tent-76110007?channel_code=110&product_code=71955404&utm_source=google-shopping&_$ja=tsid:45886&gclid=CKGUodOzy7gCFfQetAodWn0AaA Jack wolfskin gossamer low profile and the flysheet is attached and can be rolled back in good weather to stargaze .

Big T
07-09-2013, 04:29 PM
Have you looked at the "one man recon" tents that mostly come in flektarn pattern? I have one, it's quite sturdy, bout 2.5kg, packs up quite small, is a doddle to put up (takes literally 1 min), plenty of room (I'm 6' 2" and have loads of room!) and they only cost 60 quid delivered!:-D

08-01-2014, 07:13 PM
My wife and I suffered a terrible night in Snowdonia in an £150 tent 20 odd years ago, the tent it's self isnt a bad one but was well out of it's depth, from then on I vowed only to have the best tent I could afford, my reasoning being that if you have a good/dry nights sleep you have a good chance that you can cope with what the day can throw at you. So food for your thoughts, here are my two small tents I now use for canoe trips.

My choice then was the wonderful Wild Country (now Terranova) Trisar+ a three pole semi geodesic 3+ season tent, bought out of retirement for a 6 day paddle n Scotland in Sept....


and here about 20 years ago ild camping in the Rhinnog Mountains, funnily enough I still cook on that Trangia and pots although the kettle bit the dust a few years back and still use that MOD water bottle lol

Or if I want any more room a full geodesic Robens Fortress seen here in the highlands of Scotland Jan 12

Both tents are able to stand up to gale force winds rain and snow, are not that dependent on where the tent pegs go as the Robens is fully self standing and the Wild Country needs just the porch pegged out. With both of these tents I have plenty of room if I or we need it.

Hope this helps
