View Full Version : Shady days..

14-07-2013, 08:13 PM
Just back aboard from 6 nights in the wood. There seem to be a lot of bright pink people about..the British summer has gone potty..;) I back packed some supplies in on Monday, that's the trouble with those Wayfarer meals, they weigh a ton!! Which reminds me, ADZ you asked about those meals. Every Spring on a nearby farm, an outdoor company holds a "Camping Exhibition" loads of different tents and family camping stuff at cut rate prices ( I think possibly it's ex-display stuff) Trick is to get there the last day when they offload items..Wayfarer meals normally £3 90+ for £2, so I stocked up..:D

With temperatures up around 30 degrees Celcius it was cool in the shady wood and the sunlight through the leaf canopy made everything pale green.



It's a long trek into the wood, down the lane where the Foxgloves grow


And into the wood. I used the track under Golloms Tree, he watches from his branch overhanging the track but I've told him any nonsense and my little friends will fill him full of Elvish arrows..;) ;)



Heavy !!..I keep forgetting I'm 69 and can't do 10 milers anymore carrying this loaded with kit. But who's hurrying now..:)


Trying to be artistic and catch the fire smoke in the sunlight..:ashamed:



Camp set up and a wander round the wood..one of my 'tinder supply trees'..


Mr Squirrel and me are going to fall out if he doesn't sort his diet out quickly...



That's my water filter working in the background.

King Alfred's Cakes and a fungi living on this fallen Ash..Not sure which Fungi, I give them a wide berth..



This part of the wood smells of the Ramsons crushed by the Deer using this crossing



I'm always looking for the shapes of Nature and this twining tree caught my eye..


And the bark pattern on this Hornbeam ( good ID feature for tree spotters) The old locals say the Hornbeam is guaranteed to break at least one of three things of a woodsman.


Your axe, your back or your heart...;) ;)

Forgot to add.. Hello to folk who joined during my short absence..welcome aboard..

Yungen of Bury
14-07-2013, 08:20 PM
looks like a good place to camp, i think that black fun-guy is cramp balls, but ill let others give you a definite answer..

14-07-2013, 08:37 PM
Nice pics.. I too love any interesting shapes in the trees. I hope Gollum behaved..

14-07-2013, 08:51 PM
nice pics, them black shrooms grow on the trees near me i dont know what they are but i#m pretty sure if you pop one off you can dash sparks into it and you get the same results as char cloth that lasts longer, could be wrong though

14-07-2013, 09:06 PM
looks like cramp ball to my uneducated eye, I char mine like cloth and they take a spark nicely

14-07-2013, 09:07 PM

14-07-2013, 09:13 PM

14-07-2013, 09:16 PM
Yep, Madz, I've always known them as King Alfreds Cakes (Cramp Balls), it was the other white fungi that I'm not sure of possibly one of the Bracket fungi family? I've had King Alfred Cakes glowing many times from firesteel sparks, so you're correct they light easily with a good spark. That white fungi may possibly be.. Crepidotus applanatus ..:confused2: Had to look that one up..;) ;)

14-07-2013, 09:22 PM
Lovely photos and accompanying notes.


14-07-2013, 10:23 PM
Beautiful. The shade from the trees is always welcome with the temperatures being the way they are at the moment.

14-07-2013, 11:42 PM
T^ Glad to hear you had a fantastic time, mo chara :D - I suffer in the heat and humidity in my area during summer. Oddly enough, I am much more comfortable in the desert when the temps are even higher.
Poor Gollum...he's in more trouble than ever, since he escaped from the dungeons of Thranduil ;).
Around here, Hornbeam is known as 'Ironwood'; 'tis well-named.

14-07-2013, 11:44 PM
Very nice pics T^

Heavy !!..I keep forgetting I'm 69 and can't do 10 milers anymore carrying this loaded with kit. But who's hurrying now..:)


You're a stud dude. (no homo)

15-07-2013, 04:20 PM
lookd like a great trip mate, very jealous!