View Full Version : Hunting small game on a catapult

15-07-2013, 11:50 AM
Has anyone tried small game hunting with a catapult. I have a acquired a Gamekeeper pocket poacher and have begun practicing with it. I am not ready to hunt as I am not at the level proficiency I would like for hunting, so at the moment I am practicing until I am ready. I thought given its size and weight that this is an extremely practical hunting tool, especially as often my traps remain un-triggered and I often go hungry on a camp.

Ammo is also cheap, ranging from ball bearings to stones, cast lead balls from recycled lead, hex nuts and marbles.

Has anyone got any experiences and tips they could share that might help me become more proficient and avoid any pitfalls when using this new found tool.

15-07-2013, 01:30 PM
Can't help you with that question BigDave. My experience with catapults has always been mostly tin cans, except once a window in the Girl's Toilets at school and I got whack round the head for that..:ashamed: Good to hear you're striving for proficiency though, the prospect of Rabbits stumbling around with an eye knocked out or scooting out of reach in the brambles on three working legs is a high price for not taking a boil in the bag meal. Practice I reckon mate, is the best advice..:)

Adam Savage
15-07-2013, 02:48 PM
Justin (aka Fish) is probably your best bet for info. He's a rather proficient catty user :)

15-07-2013, 03:18 PM
lol biggest tip is consistency,use the same ammo all the time that way every shot is learning,and my recommendation is 44 cal lead shot,steel ricochets dangerously.

as for hunting well heres a few of mine:






15-07-2013, 03:53 PM
very very impressive fish!

15-07-2013, 07:17 PM
lol biggest tip is consistency,use the same ammo all the time that way every shot is learning,and my recommendation is 44 cal lead shot,steel ricochets dangerously.

as for hunting well heres a few of mine:






Who would of thought so many animals owned cattys and you managed to photo all of them fish :p

surplus 6
15-07-2013, 09:40 PM
Who would of thought so many animals owned cattys and you managed to photo all of them fish :p
and he was quite lucky they didn't get a shot off in retaliation lol

16-07-2013, 08:24 AM
and he was quite lucky they didn't get a shot off in retaliation lol


17-07-2013, 06:37 AM
I only hunted small game once, Cluedo at "toys r us"
Bit unfair though, there were so many I couldn't miss... Lol

18-07-2013, 10:10 AM
very very impressive fish!

18-07-2013, 10:14 AM
Gee in the UK the rabbits are small and the squirrels are huge.

19-07-2013, 05:39 AM
That is Impressive, I need more practice and patience me thinks........

19-07-2013, 11:48 AM
certainly inspired me to get new rubber for my catty! Where do you get the lead shot from Fish?

19-07-2013, 01:52 PM
the squirrels are huge.~

thats an american grey! our native red is very small... :p

19-07-2013, 02:01 PM
Theres several places to buy commercial lead shot - or you can make your own.

Lots of info about cattys + hunting on these sites - have a look on here:


Catpults co + Bells both sell bands and various sizes/types of ammo. There are other sources too, but these are easy + offer good service albeit not the cheapest.

19-07-2013, 04:16 PM
Gee in the UK the rabbits are small and the squirrels are huge.

Thats coss the rabbits are Italion,small timid things that run away, and the squirrels are from the USA big brash and push our little red one's out of there homes.:happy-clapping:

22-07-2013, 05:16 PM

thats an american grey! our native red is very small... :p

Thats coss the rabbits are Italion,small timid things that run away, and the squirrels are from the USA big brash and push our little red one's out of there homes.:happy-clapping:

Thanks for the reply guys. We only have the little red ones here.

14-02-2014, 12:42 PM
certainly inspired me to get new rubber for my catty! Where do you get the lead shot from Fish?
Most good Gun Shops stock lead balls for Muzzle Loading.One can also buy moulds,to cast various calibers.Some fishing shops I think may stock moulds for ledger weights.Then all you need is scrap lead.
Must confess,I use glass marbles.(big bag at toys r us.for a £1.in my catti..44 lead balls in my Remington 1858,n Colt 1862 Army.
n 8mm steel balls in my Cross Bow!

15-02-2014, 08:44 AM
Steel balls in a cross bow? That seems very brave! Or daft, not sure which.
I have thought about trying this as An alternative to air rifle or bow n arrow. Much easier to conceal.

Great pics fish :-)

15-02-2014, 02:53 PM
Steel balls in a cross bow? That seems very brave! Or daft, not sure which.
I have thought about trying this as An alternative to air rifle or bow n arrow. Much easier to conceal.

Great pics fish :-)
Cross bow designed to shoot 8mm balls n 5" bolts.175lb pull.Steel pods n string,Very accurate.have not had it over a chrono.so don't know FPS.etc.

PS you cannot shoot any animal in UK with a bow n Arrow.
In France you can hunt wild Boar with them on the estates down the loire valley.

15-02-2014, 03:59 PM
I know you you can't. Formerly a shadow ranger for the FC. :-)

19-02-2014, 11:48 PM
I'm starting to get there with my catapult. I'm just trying to make sure I can get good grouping, but not on quarry. Until then it's snares and an air rifle.

20-02-2014, 03:05 AM
I no longer hunt Bugs Bunny (only reason is I'm not that fond of the meat) but would say I'd never use a catapult for hunting, far too hit and miss for me and I only ever used air rifles or shotguns in the past (just my view). Good luck though just make sure your clean kill ratio is a match for when using an air rifle.

20-02-2014, 08:20 AM
I've always raised an eyebrow when people have mentioned hunting with a catapult, or when they (always unsuccessfully) try it on survival programs on TV - I just don't believe that a catapult can generate enough force/power to kill decent sized game. Rats fair enough, but nothing bigger surely? Happy to proven wrong though as a black widow in the pack takes up little space!

Time would be better spent making a bow if you found yourself in a survival situation though, surely?

20-02-2014, 09:07 AM
I've always raised an eyebrow when people have mentioned hunting with a catapult, or when they (always unsuccessfully) try it on survival programs on TV - I just don't believe that a catapult can generate enough force/power to kill decent sized game. Rats fair enough, but nothing bigger surely? Happy to proven wrong though as a black widow in the pack takes up little space!

Time would be better spent making a bow if you found yourself in a survival situation though, surely?

I think in the UK as well as Norway, if you find yourself in a survival situation, the wise way to spend your time is to go home.
and if you can't, pick up your phone and call rescue services...

20-02-2014, 09:11 AM
Yes, but where's the fun in that? :D

20-02-2014, 09:34 AM
I wouldn't consider them as a useless kit item, tbh poachers used them to good (or ill) effect for years. But it takes practice and lots of it. Also band strength and ammo comes into play. What would be interesting though is is someone measured the impact force with different ammo and bands. The only tests I've seen have been chrono tests, so a good video measuring impact force, projectile speed and how different conditions like wind would affect a catapult would likely interest us all.

21-02-2014, 02:54 PM
i love my catty got it for £2... bargain ive took a few rabbits with it as its been said use consistant ammo lead or marbles are my fave just find a grip you like and practace

23-02-2014, 12:31 AM
I made mine with a wood fork, I used Theraband on it. I know it chucks out some power with marbles as ammo.