View Full Version : Traditional Overnighter

Kit Mac
15-07-2013, 06:06 PM
I had a great weekend! Went to nature reserve on friday and saw Emperor Dragonflys, went camping on saturday and a spot of fishing on sunday afternoon. All in the blazing sunshine, still content even after the monday I had so it must've been good ;).

Anyway thought I'd share my camping trip on saturday night. A friend asked if I fancied a night out and not being one to turn down an opportunity thought I'd give my traditional kit list a try out...

The forest was filled with sunshine and the smell of pine...


Spent sometime trying to find a good pitch for the Polish Lavvu half, using three sticks and some jute twine I came up with this. If you lay asymmetrically it provides enough cover for the Czech bed roll and some room for the pack to boot.


Kris was using a TW Green Hornet with the Sargasso tarp.


And yours truly with my shelter, not very traditional clothes I'm afraid. But hey it was far too hot for wool :)!


Our camp



Gathered some fire wood and had a bottle of ale to fortify ourselves then went for a walk through the woods. It was great to reach the forest edge were the breeze could get in and cool us down. Nice view too.



Now onto fire, we both were successful with the flint and steel, here's some pics of my fire kit in action.





Dinner tonight was a fine thing indeed, Ribeye steak roasted over the fire with red onion sauteed in port and a liberal spread of french mustard. Yum.



Spent the evening putting the world to rights, enjoying the fire and finished of the port along with a pipe.



Had a very comfy nights sleep, I didn't even need the bed roll really. Used it as a mattress and just slept under my blanket. Woke up to a few insect bites, should have applied more stupid simple midge repel before bed (the port might of lead to this slip :rolleyes:) all credit to the stuff though, it had kept us bug free all day long.

Ate some bacon wraps and coffee, packed up and had a tidy round then headed home.



15-07-2013, 06:20 PM

Yungen of Bury
15-07-2013, 06:26 PM
looks awesome, glad to hear you had a good time.. if it wasnt for the meet we had the same weekend id be jelous...

Old Guard
15-07-2013, 06:39 PM
Nice one T^

15-07-2013, 07:15 PM
Looking good mac are you finding much difference with the traditional other than the weight ?

15-07-2013, 07:19 PM
excellent! Looks like a cracking night mate. Thanks for sharing!

15-07-2013, 07:21 PM

Kit Mac
15-07-2013, 07:25 PM
Cheers all,
@ Mouse
Well the traditional gear is interesting and pretty appealing to my eye. But as you say its heavy and more work to get right, which in itself is rewarding. So I guess its a bit of fun really, I'd not want to do any serious trekking or winter camp with it.
So not going to replace my more modern gear but its a nice thing on a summers night.

15-07-2013, 07:38 PM
Cheers all,
@ Mouse
Well the traditional gear is interesting and pretty appealing to my eye. But as you say its heavy and more work to get right, which in itself is rewarding. So I guess its a bit of fun really, I'd not want to do any serious trekking or winter camp with it.
So not going to replace my more modern gear but its a nice thing on a summers night.

Hoping to do the tors 60 this year with my dads old canvas bag and kit as you say the weight difference is considerable

15-07-2013, 07:43 PM

15-07-2013, 08:11 PM

15-07-2013, 11:06 PM
T^ Love your write-ups, Kit Mac :D.

16-07-2013, 02:59 AM
That dinner looks awesome. Better than anything I had to eat on my last trip. :ashamed:

Cool pics T^

15-12-2013, 05:30 PM
great write up, really like the thought of using traditional equipment. T^