View Full Version : Burdock Root

01-08-2013, 06:52 AM
I'm guessing that if burdock has the grabber seed pods on it, it's in it's second year?

because we had stir fry the other night and I though it would have been a nice addition but it was just to woody to use as food, all of the burdock around us at the moment has the seed pods on it so have I missed the best time of year? or am I just using the worng year plants

we have greater & lesser burdock on our land

01-08-2013, 08:46 AM
That's right mate. The Burdock competes its life cycle over a two year period.
In its first year it has huge leaves who's function is to capture sunlight and transfer it to energy in the form of carbs/starch which are then stored in the roots.
In the second year of growth, the energy reserves in the root push the central stem skywards and develop the fruiting seed heads.

Keep looking as you will always find a first year plant if there are second year plants around. However, if as you say they are all second year plants in your area, keep a mental note of where they are as when their seeds drop and develop you should have a bumper crop of first year plants next year to harvest in late autumn.
