View Full Version : The Bushmobile....

26-08-2013, 09:09 PM
My ride wen't trough the M.O.T today....


Hand brake: none (I knew that, the wire snapped a month ago)*: fail
Left wheel bolt: 1 missing nut (yup, the bolt was snapped off....that will lose you a nut... :fail
Left front stabilizer loose and large slack in the bushing (is that the word?): fail

Well, well, the bill will be 300£ and I count myself blessed. Thought it would be much, much worse...
Aftyer all I will still have a car to take me out in the hills...and to pick up Jacko and the Scouser at the airport for their winter adventure :-)


ian c
26-08-2013, 10:16 PM
Hi Rune I took the Mrs car for a MOT last week and that failed on the indicator arm and told that it will cost about £500 to fix, we are going to see if we can get it done cheaper else where.

27-08-2013, 06:09 AM
My 19 year old Hilux surf sailed through yet another MOT yesterday. :jumping-joy: Nothing required and only 2 minor things on the advisory. It’s one of the cheapest cars I've ever owned and apart from its insatiable thirst for diesel; it's be the least hassle of any car I’ve ever owned. Best £1000 I've ever spent :rock-on:
Sorry Rune, i'm not rubbing it in..... I'm just delighted that the old girl just keeps on proving how well made the older Hilux's and Surfs were.

27-08-2013, 10:17 AM
Left front stabilizer loose and large slack in the bushing (is that the word?)

yeah it makes sense Rune, large amounts of play (movement) at the bushing, is the terrain your in quiet demanding on vehicles?

27-08-2013, 11:40 AM
yeah it makes sense Rune, large amounts of play (movement) at the bushing, is the terrain your in quiet demanding on vehicles?

Had it only been the terrain...it's the roads. They have betterr roads in Albania than here...

27-08-2013, 12:00 PM
Had it only been the terrain...it's the roads. They have betterr roads in Albania than here...

A young man from Albania just started working with me a week or so ago...I should ask him about the state of the roads back in the old country. :D :D :D

27-08-2013, 12:59 PM
Had it only been the terrain...it's the roads. They have betterr roads in Albania than here...

HAH !! try the UK