View Full Version : axe stone or waterstone?

25-01-2011, 12:31 AM
I've bought my axe, now what shall i sharpen it with?

I already have jap water stones will they do the job or do i need a specific axe stone?

Thanks again...;)

25-01-2011, 01:42 AM
A file and ceramic rod has been all I've used since I bought my GB axe last spring, works like a charm, so is about all I can comment on at this point. Will be buying the GB stone in upcoming weeks (need to go pick up more grinding belts anyways)....

25-01-2011, 07:43 AM
I've bought my axe, now what shall i sharpen it with?

I already have jap water stones will they do the job or do i need a specific axe stone?

Thanks again...;)

I have used Japanese water slip stones on an axe, I've also used board mounted wet and dry (which works very well), a Lanky axe puck works very well. Full sized water stones can be a bit awkward to deal with when grinding an axe.

The puck has the advantage of being hand held and easier to carry in the field over bench stones, that is not to say that you discount wet 'n' dry boards and a diamond file or something like the Fallkniven dc3 or dc4, either of these would do just as good a job.

25-01-2011, 01:58 PM
I prefer oil stones for axes, but it's just a preference...