View Full Version : new type of fire steel!!
Dave ward
04-09-2013, 07:32 AM
Hi all here a video ive done reviewing a new fire steel product, I dont work for the company but was asked to review this item for them so I hope you like and enjoy guys and gals .....
David ward
Hi Dave
looks like a nice bit of kit to wear round your wrist as a back up item if you had to ditch your pack or loose your knife or ferro rod, looks like a emergency whistle on the side there (to the right) is that correct?? also how much cordage is incorporated in to the bracelet?? sorry i assume its a bracelet from the size couldn't really see, does the striker you had fit onto/ into the bracelet at all? is there any other bits on the bracelet that are useful?? how effective is the rod with the sides of the clip there do they have a tendency to get in the way or restrict the use of the steel at all?
sorry for all the questions, but from the video its does look alright, but seemed to aimed more towards the ferro rod rather than the entire item, do you have a video reviewing the whole thing??
going to have a ganders at the site now to see what else they have to offer.
cheers for sharing
04-09-2013, 08:50 AM
would the bracelet clasp still work if you wore out the firesteel.. ??
looks like a great backup option.. like it, good review
Dave ward
04-09-2013, 08:59 AM
Thanks for watching guys and heres a vid on the bracelet its self, the fire steel buckle does have a whistle on it to as well as a striker, fishing kit, 8 ft of paracord, needle (magnetic) and other items! This vid here....
Is a review of the bracelet itself. If you click on my channel I have more videos also! :) let me know what you think guys
cheers for providing a link T^
Dave ward
04-09-2013, 10:26 AM
No problem guys, glad you like the videos, the amount of paracord depends on your wrist size etc but if you like these two vids I have a couple more on my channel
Dave ward
04-09-2013, 10:29 AM
Sheperd, yep clasp still works one the firesteel is used up BUT you can buy replacement clasps so all you'd do is remove the pin out the clasp and pop it through the paracord and pop ya new clasp on.
04-09-2013, 11:10 AM
I think MadZ has covered most of the questions that could be asked on the combination of uses for the bracelet. I could slip a small NATO type Brass button compass into the weave too (personal choice), I assume the name plate can be used as a steel striker too or mirror reflector if polished up? Something that could be considered as back up, I would need to put it through it's paces first, never the less thanks for the share & commentary Dave appreciated. Browsing the 'Wazoo' website too :wink:
Hi Dave
looks like a nice bit of kit to wear round your wrist as a back up item if you had to ditch your pack or loose your knife or ferro rod, looks like a emergency whistle on the side there (to the right) is that correct?? also how much cordage is incorporated in to the bracelet?? sorry i assume its a bracelet from the size couldn't really see, does the striker you had fit onto/ into the bracelet at all? is there any other bits on the bracelet that are useful?? how effective is the rod with the sides of the clip there do they have a tendency to get in the way or restrict the use of the steel at all?
sorry for all the questions, but from the video its does look alright, but seemed to aimed more towards the ferro rod rather than the entire item, do you have a video reviewing the whole thing??
going to have a ganders at the site now to see what else they have to offer.
cheers for sharing
Dave ward
04-09-2013, 11:26 AM
Yes the name plate is a scraper for your firesteel and can be used as a signal mirror bit you can ask them to put a mirror strip on the underside of your striker when you buy a bracelet :)
04-09-2013, 12:53 PM
I wouldn't waste the space in the tube with barbless hooks.....if it's to help you 'survive' then you need the odds stacked in your favour.
I have and wear a parscord bracelet , but its one of them items that you think.....mmmm realistically.....when am I going to be caught out and actually need it for true survival ......the answer is.....during a normal week......never !
But......they can always help you get out of a spot of bother.....or help someone else.....but if I was going anywhere out of the norm , where I maybe isolated etc.....then I'd have my tin or pouch with me anyway.....just my two bob ;)
Ps.....I'd throttle back a bit with the "guys" while doing your sounds ......yup .....
Dave ward
04-09-2013, 01:19 PM
Yep I understand what your saying chiseller, most people have a survival tin etc but this is just a diffrent take on that subject and not everyone likes a tin. As for the "guys" well....I'll take it on board. Thanks for watching though :)
04-09-2013, 01:30 PM
Yep I understand what your saying chiseller, most people have a survival tin etc but this is just a diffrent take on that subject and not everyone likes a tin. As for the "guys" well....I'll take it on board. Thanks for watching though :)
I'd email suggest barbed's like putting in snare wire but made from cotton. .....I'm not a big tin fan....the bracelet could be a handy......spur of the moment ....theres a fish look.....I'm going to eat that.....kinda thing ...cheers
05-09-2013, 12:00 AM
Dave interesting concept BTW, as said I'd give it a go, one for practical use demo try test & other shelf spare kit for an emergency. I'm 'old school' still use Survival Tins with my choice of contents. Jury is still out on wearing the Para cord bracelets, as in reality the cord is prone to chaffing & abrasion if worn think about it, what good is Para cord with an abrasion? I'd probably keep such in my grab bag or pocket safe & wear if & when needs arise. The straw & contents ok again break only in an emergency, might be worth wrapping the line & hooks or hooks to wire in a small zip bag rolled up then inserted within the cord, keep the straw too. Magnetic needle could be used as a fishing hook too. I've a few fashioned in my kit for such use from needles & safety pins honed, they do work BTW. I'd still go with the NATO Button Compass too. Thanks for the share & congrats for your 'You Tube' commentary, I wouldn't criticise as I haven't done such myself, I'm confident enough, but I'll leave You Tube to it's followers & audience.
David :wink:
Yep I understand what your saying chiseller, most people have a survival tin etc but this is just a diffrent take on that subject and not everyone likes a tin. As for the "guys" well....I'll take it on board. Thanks for watching though :)
Dave ward
05-09-2013, 01:38 PM
Thanks david, interesting points. Glad you enjoyed the vid, you can buy one with a compass on it, check there web site out mate :)
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