View Full Version : A few from last year

26-01-2011, 09:01 PM
hmm pictures not working, will try again

26-01-2011, 10:16 PM
I'll try again,

Salmon, taken at Settle falls, North Yorkshire.


Barn Owl,taken down a country lane close to home.


Fox cub, taken in a friends field / paddock, same place as I go shooting Bunnies.


Lets hope this works, any comments appreciated. Pics taken on a nikon D90 with either the 18-105mm or sigma 70-200mm f2.8

Adam Savage
14-03-2011, 03:56 PM
Barn Owl,taken down a country lane close to home.

I bet he wasn't too keen on that....lol

Great shots, Hope to get some nice photos when in Dartmoor the end of the month. only taking the 18-55 kit lens due to weight issues with the rest of my kit. Pentax K-X and yes it is the olive green one in true bush craft fashion :)

14-03-2011, 06:44 PM
Great photos, thanks for sharing them. I'd love to get into photography but alas the budget won't stretch that far.

Thanks again


paul standley
14-03-2011, 07:49 PM
Wiseman, those are really great photo's. Like Morch I'd like to get into photography more but got too many hobbies already and the hobby to wallet ratio is very high at the moment...!

Adam Savage
14-03-2011, 08:24 PM
Wiseman, those are really great photo's. Like Morch I'd like to get into photography more but got too many hobbies already and the hobby to wallet ratio is very high at the moment...!

photography can be cheap enough, all you need is a camera on your mobile or a half decent compact camera, 90% of the arty side is composition and subject matter, the rest can be tweaked in image editing software like paint.net which is free. The cost do start rolling up when you get into DSLRs though, mine is an entry level costing 390. took me a while to save for it even at that price.