View Full Version : Kids "softie" jackets and trousers - where can i get some?

24-09-2013, 06:48 PM
Hi folks,

Anybody know where i can buy my six year old lad some softies for sitting around at camp and sleeping in? I've tried searching on google but can only find adults sizes. Any help gratefully recieved!



24-09-2013, 07:00 PM
the misses has suggested trying equestrian outlets, as they may have something of similarity but may be on the expensive side.

might be worth a look.

cheers Madz

24-09-2013, 07:14 PM
Thanks Madz i'll have a look!

24-09-2013, 10:38 PM
Hi folks,

Anybody know where i can buy my six year old lad some softies for sitting around at camp and sleeping in? I've tried searching on google but can only find adults sizes. Any help gratefully recieved!



You do see plenty of small Softie gear on Ebay, like the one below but the sizes leave a lot to the imagination.


Its worth looking through selling sites and then checking out army sizes using this site to get a better match.


Hope you find what you need.

Cheers Neil

30-09-2013, 01:37 PM
dude there was a softie jacket in the £5 quid bin at premier surplus, http://www.premiersurplus.co.uk/ give them a call for more info if you have not got one yet



01-10-2013, 05:44 AM
These people could be worth a look - http://www.decathlon.co.uk/

01-10-2013, 07:36 PM
These people could be worth a look - http://www.decathlon.co.uk/

Ooh good find! prices not too rediculous either. Thanks to all for their input!

16-10-2013, 04:51 PM
Lidl have some "softie" style jackets for kids at the moment for £11.99. Seem ok and are rated down to -10C! come with a small stuff sack and they pack away really small. Got one for my lad for round the fire and sleeping in when really cold. http://www.lidl.co.uk/cps/rde/www_lidl_uk/hs.xsl/our-offers-2491.htm?action=showDetail&id=6492

16-10-2013, 05:14 PM
who needs softies, when they can wear a onesie!!!!!

http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y29/eastlondonbiker/20130910_230152_zps4b02f025.jpg (http://s2.photobucket.com/user/eastlondonbiker/media/20130910_230152_zps4b02f025.jpg.html)

16-10-2013, 09:49 PM
Thats very similar to my Rudolph one! Mine only comes out at Christmas though :ashamed:

16-10-2013, 11:41 PM
we are camping at our woods at the beginning of November, celebrating a couple of days late SAMHAIN, and have told everyone attending they must wear animal onesies as the theme is animals of the forest, it'll make for some funny video footage of 10 adults sitting around a camp fire:ashamed: