View Full Version : Help identify this Bolete.

Jon D
08-10-2013, 12:45 PM

Found this the other week but didn't take it home. Now I look back on this photo, I'm pretty sure it's edible but having a tough time in identifying it. Sorry for the poor photo quality. Found in mixed woodland, mainly Birch in the area this was found.

Jon D
08-10-2013, 01:49 PM

Doesn't appear that the photo is displaying on my previous post, bloody Mac's.

andy t
09-10-2013, 07:06 AM
It looks like a cep or penny bun to me, but i'm no expert.

Jon D
09-10-2013, 08:48 AM
It has the markings of a Cep on the stem but an irregular tall stem shape and cap is small when compared to the Penny Bun. I was thinking it a Birch Bolete when considering itms habitat but it doesn't have the shaggy stem.

Geoff Dann
09-10-2013, 10:19 AM
I think that is a Bitter Bolete. Not edible.

andy t
09-10-2013, 11:28 AM
http://www.mushroomdiary.co.uk/2011/11/cep-mushroom-boletus-edulis/ See if this helps.

Geoff Dann
09-10-2013, 04:21 PM
http://www.mushroomdiary.co.uk/2011/11/cep-mushroom-boletus-edulis/ See if this helps.

Unlikely to help, given that the picture is not of B. edulis.

andy t
09-10-2013, 05:24 PM
said i wasnt an expert. :D

Geoff Dann
09-10-2013, 06:29 PM
http://www.mushroomdiary.co.uk/2011/11/cep-mushroom-boletus-edulis/ See if this helps.

Just for the record, the webpage being linked to here is also incorrect. The mushroom it shows is not Boletus edulis, although unlike the picture in the opening post of this thread, it is an edible relative. In other words, the error makes no difference from a foraging point of view.

The fungus in the opening post of this thread is Tylopilus felleus, which has a brown reticulations down its stem. "Reticulations" is the name for the raised network of lines. This fungus is very bitter ("felleus" as in "fell" meaning "bad").

A Penny Bun (Boletus edulis) has white reticulations near the top of the stem, turning into patches of brown without reticulations lower down. The picture Andy_t linked to, which says "Boletus edulis" has very pronounced white reticulations all the way down to the bottom of the stem. This strongly suggests that it is actually Boletus reticulatus (common name "summer bolete" - although it fruits in the autumn too).

An easy mistake to make (B. reticulatus for B. edulis), and not a serious one, but can lead to further confusion if people get the white reticulations of B. reticulatus mixed up with the brown reticulations of T. felleus.

A quote from the page itself:

There are a couple of edible ‘look-a-likes’ often confused with the Cep, such as the The Dark Cep (Boletus aereus) and maybe the Bay Bolete (Boletus badius). But beware the Bitter Bolete (Tylopilus felleus), although not posionous, it’s a recipe for disaster when served up at dinner time. As the name suggests they have a very bitter, unpleasant taste. Don’t make the same mistake I did! Yuk!

Had the author known the difference between B. edulis and B. reticulatus, he perhaps would not so easily have got B. edulis mixed up with T. felleus (as you also did.)

Tricky business, identifying fungi. Do not trust everything you read on the internet. Don't even trust me!! :-D

09-10-2013, 09:00 PM
Expert...Adjective...(ex spurt)

Ex...a has been

Spurt... a drip under pressure


Geoff Dann
09-10-2013, 09:21 PM
Do you prefer ignorance then?

09-10-2013, 09:44 PM
Do you prefer ignorance then?

Is this in response to my comment ? The one with the jokey wink at the end....

If so my comment wasn't addressed to you, so yes feel free to ignore it.

Geoff Dann
09-10-2013, 09:51 PM
Is this in response to my comment ? The one with the jokey wink at the end....

If so my comment wasn't addressed to you, so yes feel free to ignore it.

So you were attacking/ridiculing "experts in general", and since I'm not an expert in this field, it wasn't addressed at me. Have I got that right?

09-10-2013, 09:54 PM
So you were attacking/ridiculing "experts in general", and since I'm not an expert in this field, it wasn't addressed at me. Have I got that right?

Geoff...take it in the spirit it was meant and stop becoming or attempting to become argumentative. It was addressed to the person posting above you with the words and I quote "told you I wasnt an expert" and its not the first time I've used the 'expert' word play - on the other occasions folks have received it with good humour as it was intended

Jon D
10-10-2013, 03:06 PM
Thanks for the I.D.

Geoff Dann
10-10-2013, 06:13 PM
Thanks for the I.D.

You're welcome. :)