View Full Version : Soves, pots and pans

28-01-2011, 11:19 PM
Has anyone got any experience with vargo titanium stoves?

Thank you....

29-01-2011, 07:31 AM
I have been considering a Vargo Decagon, to fit in my Bush Cooker, for a while.

But, the Decagons' lack of ability to store any leftover meths, has made me stick to Trangia and Tatonka burners so far.

29-01-2011, 09:55 AM
I had the Triad for a while but didn't really get on with it, no experience of the others though.

I like the look of the folding titanium woodburner but I'd like to have a try before I buy.

30-01-2011, 05:26 PM
Sorry, never used one but they do look like novel designs.


30-01-2011, 10:25 PM
I have sacked the idea of the stove, i'll use my jetboil for a brew and ive got my home made cardboard and candle stove ! (got a hexi stove stashed in my pack too).

I do like the folding woodburner though, will it stand up to the heat if i get carried away with the fire. 'It has been known'.

The Big Lebowski
31-01-2011, 10:24 PM
Had the Triad and sent it back after one use... Poor output, priming and runtimes.

The Decagon that replaced it is much more usable. I can rolling boil 350ml of water form a local stream on the coldest of days (well, -5 air temp of late) and it serves my purposes well :)

One thing i did do was to slightly widen (via a pin) every other jet hole, it pumps out a little more heat this way, and also fills quicker. If you want to pre-warm the stove before filling on a really cold day, just turn it upside down and add a little meths to the dimple, light and allow to go out. Just watch your fingers as Ti conducts heat very, very quickly but it seems to help it bloom quicker on the coldest of days by warming the meths as you fill it a few degree's.
Personal choice really, or you could just keep the windshield quite tight around it until bloom- or keep your meths somewhere warm before using like a sleeping bag, or chest pocket LoL!. I doubt you would have to worry when the weather warms up eventually!

I dont worry about excess meths, mine runs until it go's out, which is around 6-7mins depending on ambient temps.

Hope this was of some help, I really like it tbh... And for the price, you really cant go wrong!


Ashley Cawley
06-02-2011, 06:56 PM
I'm really getting on with the "White Box Stove" - http://www.backpackinglight.co.uk/product230.asp?PageID=99

It kicks out great power fast and is so lightweight and small, fit's inside cups, billys etc. it comes with a small lightweight priming plate, I poor meths in the stove then a tiny bit on the plate beneath, light this first and it heats the outside and lights the stove primes it to bloom in no time at all. You would also think looking at the design of the white-box stove that you couldn't really recover unused meths from it, but you can!...

Simply take an empty metal cup or billycan and up-turn it over the white-box stove, starving it of oxygen and putting it out almost instantly, allow to cool completely and then slowly tilt over your meths bottle, the meths comes out of the holes on the side but it falls off the rim nicely so you can get it back in your bottle.

I also own the Tatonka trangia style burner and whilst I like it for it's efficiency & significantly longer burn-time it kicks out a lot less heat in one go (hence burning for longer). Each have their time and place in my opinion, but I would certainly recommend the white-box stove for quick brews & bacon/sausage cooking etc.

07-05-2011, 06:50 PM
Heres some pics of my latest titanium and lightweight cooking gear.
