View Full Version : Pocket Stove Question

05-11-2013, 06:19 PM
Does anyone have a Pocket Stove?
One of these:


What I'd like to know is the dimensions of the base plate.
Can anyone help me?

I did send a email to BPL but they haven't deigned to answer me yet.


05-11-2013, 06:30 PM

Max Height: 10cm
Max base width: 7.5cm
Sq plate: 7cm x 7cm

Side Panel: 31g x 2
Back Panel: 31g
Door: 26g
Square Base: 22g
Total: 141g
Storage Tin: 54g
Packed Total: 195g
Will it fit your pop can stove?

Height 100mm
Base Plate 68mm sq
Upper Aperture 61mm sq
Lower Aperture 72mm sq
The Pocket Stove was designed and manufactured entirely in the UK by backpackinglight.co.uk

From their specification page here http://www.backpackinglight.co.uk/bushcraft/RD104.html ;)

05-11-2013, 06:32 PM
You should be able to work out the dimensions by the size of the burner,its comeing thro about 2mm on3 sides of the side plates.

05-11-2013, 06:32 PM
From their specification page here http://www.backpackinglight.co.uk/bushcraft/RD104.html ;)

Oh yeah.
I didn't see that. What a dreadful berk I am.
I don't blame them for not answering me. I wouldn't.