View Full Version : Evening all

10-11-2013, 05:47 PM
Just joined as thought I should

Been messing around with bushcraft for quite a few years on and off, some of it was part and parcel of being in the forces.
Used to hunt and cook on the open fire, sold my guns a while ago, still go fishing, both sea and fresh water.
Love camping and have recently become a Scout and Cub leader so getting back into the outside life.

Currently living in North Hampshire and always looking for things to do while walking the dog in the local forests.

Keen to learn more from you wonderful people

10-11-2013, 05:59 PM
Welcome Snooky! T^ Never mind learning from us, sounds like we could learn from you! Used to help out with the scouts - fully intend to do it again once my family's a bit older as it's an outstanding organisation!

10-11-2013, 06:12 PM
Hi and welcome aboard...............

10-11-2013, 06:25 PM
Few pics from the camp a few weekends ago, we we nice and snug during the storm that hit on the early hours of Monday and had no trouble finding firewood the next day


10-11-2013, 06:50 PM
T^ Used to love kipping in proper patrol tents!

10-11-2013, 06:59 PM
eyup ello and welcome

Dave ward
10-11-2013, 07:28 PM
Hello from nottingham snooky, great bunch of people on here so get stuck in! :)

10-11-2013, 09:26 PM
Welcome to NBC Snooky. Good to have another Scouter on here.

11-11-2013, 03:32 PM
Hi & welcome

11-11-2013, 03:49 PM
welcome :welcome:

11-11-2013, 10:49 PM
A warm welcome from North Wales T^
Cheers Bri

Stevie B
21-11-2013, 09:41 PM
Hi Snooky,

Pics look great, thanks for sharing.

Welcome :welcome:

22-11-2013, 08:28 PM
Hello & welcome,
