View Full Version : Wind up lantern
Paul Webster
30-01-2011, 07:05 PM
Not really much of a review but figured this was a good a place as any.
I have been looking at camping lanterns for a while and I had decided on getting one of the UCO range of candle lanterns when I saw a wind up lantern in Millets for £5.
At that price I thought, "it's going to fall apart after 5 minutes and be junk" but it's actually pretty good. It's has a pretty solid plastic housing, stands 7" tall and weighs 200g.
I wound it for 3 minutes and left it switched on, it lasted for just over 2.5 hours.
This is with the handle folded out
Spec says it's 25 lumens, seems bright enough to hang in a tent or under a tarp and no need for batteries.
31-01-2011, 12:01 PM
I have one of those Paul, I picked it up from Millets too and best of all mine was free. In the window they were advertising sleeping bags for £19.99 but inside the same ones were £30. Apparently they were updating the stock inside and hadn't removed the offer from the window so I made a fuss got my sleeping bag at the knock down price and they threw in the lantern free presumably to quieten me down and get me out of the shop asap.
I have to say I was initially impressed but it quickly seems to hold less and less charge. Within a couple of weeks of use it became so dim so quickly that I was unable to read comfortably within five minutes of a ten minute wind. It is a shame as it is a well built lightweight lamp and not requiring batteries is a godsend whilst out and about.
I would be interested to hear how your lamp last over time so please keep us updated.
Does anyone else out there have a recommendation for a good wind-up lightweight lantern that has served them well over time?
31-01-2011, 01:06 PM
I've had a few over the years but always had the same problem as Robin.
Nowadays, it's a 9 hour Candle Lantern all the way....
Robin: I have worked in outdoor strores for a few years now, I have yet to see a good wind up lantern. I have even had a few myself, either the mechanics broke down or the battery started loosing capacity quite fast - often both.
Fletching: UCO candle lanterns? I have just ordered a couple of those, they look neat.
31-01-2011, 02:12 PM
Fletching: UCO candle lanterns? I have just ordered a couple of those, they look neat.
Yep, UCO. I've sewn a leather sheath around mine so I can handle it when hot. Plus it looks neat. And it's shiny. :)
Plus, I had to have the neoprene case for it too. Had to have it.
Good to hear. I ordered two polished brass lanterns (original version), two neoprene cocoons, a side reflector and a fold flat top reflector.
31-01-2011, 06:08 PM
You can bend a paper clip to attach a bit of mozzie coil to the top.
31-01-2011, 06:11 PM
On the subject of light Lidl are getting these in next week
Good tip. Unfortunally Maria is allergic to the stuff.
31-01-2011, 06:18 PM
Cor, I wish I wasant a poor truck driver,Id have lots of new shiney stuff.......AR never mind.
31-01-2011, 06:47 PM
ive got one simular and its brill,especially if youre like me and have to have a light on to get to sleep lol,no expensive flat duracells or ever readys the next day :)
31-01-2011, 06:52 PM
tony i know were youre comming from money wise, i avent had any real dosh to play with for months all bills bills because of some ffin online fraud but i hope to get my money back:),walking round woods army surplus store in crediton today and was wounded couldve blown a few hundred easy,but was super skint lol,ahhh well such as life
Paul Webster
31-01-2011, 07:15 PM
The staff in my local millets are all women in their late forties and I must say, they all genuinely know their stuff. One of the ladies in their tested a few first before handing me one, claiming it was the best!! Apparently she could tell from the resistance in the winding mechanism. I've had this one a few weeks but maybe only had it turned on about 4 hours. After a bit more of a test I'll let you know.
01-02-2011, 04:39 PM
I have 3 of these for widup lanterns powercuts. 12 LEDs. Only one had some use last winter, the other two have only been tested. While ok for home i wouldnt fancy prolonged field use as they are hard plastic type. About 9.00 each delivered. I also have a Degen wind up/solar/battery radio which is used regularly and is holding up well. It also has a phone charger,lamp and alarm built in.
02-02-2011, 02:56 PM
My wife stays angry with me for days on only a couple of minutes wind up!:o
i do have one of these wind up lanterns which i got from tesco in the sales for £4. It seems to give off a decent amount of light for its size but build wise i don't think it'll last too long. Can't grumble for £4 though;)
20-02-2011, 06:53 PM
I have to say I was initially impressed but it quickly seems to hold less and less charge. Within a couple of weeks of use it became so dim so quickly that I was unable to read comfortably within five minutes of a ten minute wind. It is a shame as it is a well built lightweight lamp and not requiring batteries is a godsend whilst out and about.
I would be interested to hear how your lamp last over time so please keep us updated.
Does anyone else out there have a recommendation for a good wind-up lightweight lantern that has served them well over time?
My sentiments exactly:(
20-02-2011, 09:00 PM
Yep, UCO. I've sewn a leather sheath around mine so I can handle it when hot. Plus it looks neat. And it's shiny. :)
Plus, I had to have the neoprene case for it too. Had to have it.
Started a new thread for this item at
Mods, can we have a 'Kit Mods' sub forum in Crafts, Making & DIY Projects, in addition to Woodwork and Leatherwork? Cheers. Steve
Ashley Cawley
27-02-2011, 09:42 PM
Mods, can we have a 'Kit Mods' sub forum in Crafts, Making & DIY Projects, in addition to Woodwork and Leatherwork? Cheers. Steve
Consider it done.
27-02-2011, 10:29 PM
Consider it done.
(sarf london mate)
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