View Full Version : The bush almost got him..

12-11-2013, 01:44 AM
This guy almost didn't make it...I've been up in this region once in my life... remote doesn't begin to describe it; you could spend years
there and never see another human. He clearly didn't have his bushcrafty knife and firesteel in his pocket....


12-11-2013, 04:33 AM
Caught some of his story on a canoeing forum, most of the chatter has been about how he ate his dog to survive. A truly awful choice to have to make.
I would like to read his own story, not just the reported snippets, which almost all appear to be for effect over fact.
I hope he recovers quickly and takes up that dog breeders offer (on a separate storyline to the right of the photo)


12-11-2013, 10:30 PM
What astonished me most was his choice of places to do an extended solo trip... the moon would be closer to civilization than that area..