View Full Version : Deers

01-12-2013, 10:42 PM
Hi at all , here I would do my first participation, my first contribution for your forum . Si I decided to speak about the subject where I think I know many things :)


If you want to watch this kind of animal, you should know where they live, what kind of place they like . Many people see them when they're driving, but me, when I say " watch " I want to know, watch things that people never see . One day I assist to a mating ( it was very funny ) , an other day I saw two males fight . I approach some deers very near, but I'm obliged to say that, but you need some knowledge and of course, many luck . This kind of animal had a bad sight and you can use this defect . There are many signs which make flee the deers :

- human form : if you have a camouflage, broke your human form . We are tall and lean biped, neither other animal have these traits .
- your skin : we have a white skin very visible, it's the big evil when you're tracking with the following problem
- smell : not only deers but many animals like wild boars or foxes had a great smell and they can smell you so many meters away . Be careful with the wind .
- the steps : we have a binary walk, it's an other sign of human ; and of course avoid noises


To watch deers and whatever wild animal, you need to know the field where you are . I passed 4 years to observe deers, even if, because of human presence deer groups move and will move, I must adapt me . I can't do a method to watch, but I just want to help people to see, to take time, the beauty of nature . It could be stupid for many people ; but when I'm watching them there is something " special " . Some people said I'm like a hunter but I have not a rifle . You should have knowlege ( like I said ) about your field, the animal itself, the camouflage, its habits . I started to watch them when my father had a big car that I called " the tank " . During summer, we could saw more 50 deers only into the car . It's the preparation phase . Time passed, and I begin to go in the forest at dawn, at dusk .. alone or not . The most impressive, it's on only one agricultural field they had more 25 deers .It's what we called a secret place . It's an animal very " stupid " I think . Like you could saw in a video I posted in this forum ; a deer walked to me conscientiously . Ah ! I forget that .. Something so much important : animals detect you because of mouvements .


I let you here my last video

I hope that will be useful and witout to much of errors

See you soon


02-12-2013, 06:57 AM
traduction par google - Quand nous sortons pour le cerf autour de Saumur, nous portons des choses comme ça
(translation by google - When we go out for deer around Saumur we wear things like this)