View Full Version : DD Hammock serice

07-12-2013, 09:53 PM
I would just like to sing the praise of DD Hammocks for there fast serice.Only took a day&half to get my new Hammock under blanket.Pitty the free T-shirt didant fit I'm XXL never mind the blanket this the dogs.T^

08-12-2013, 11:50 AM
I've got two hammocks, tourist types and they are both duds. DD for me I think, I hear nothing but praise, that everyone's experience?.

08-12-2013, 06:22 PM
Pretty much to be honest. Even if you do have a rare problem then DD will sort it out with no quibles what so ever. Had my Travel hammock for a few years now, and modified it a couple of times, and its going strong with no signs of wear.