View Full Version : An evening out

30-12-2013, 02:13 PM
I went out for a little walk in a new woodland last night, took some kit with me to make a coffee while I was out. I made a little video to show everyone, its nothing much but its here to share.
Didn't see much to note other than just get out and enjoy the light fading, it seems to get dark so quick this time of year. One minute I could see fine then I had to put my lantern of as I couldnt see a thing! I put the camera lamp on and didnt realise it was draining the battery so much so I lost all the footage of me making my coffee, but never mind.....
I haven't had a camp out for some time now so getting out for a few hours is the next best thing.
I hope you enoy. Stan


30-12-2013, 02:38 PM

Ashley Cawley
30-12-2013, 04:42 PM
Methane vent!? That's a handy fire-lighting tool, where do you get one of those? :p

Soon got dark eh? You've got me wondering what Stephen Fry got arrested for now. Thanks for sharing.


Update: Turns out he stole someones credit-card and went on a spending spree when he was younger, classy!

30-12-2013, 05:00 PM

Update: Turns out he stole someones credit-card and went on a spending spree when he was younger, classy!

LOL well I do like this forum as there's always something to learn :happy-clapping:

04-01-2014, 01:14 PM