View Full Version : mystery book help!

04-01-2014, 12:49 PM
I am looking for a book i read at school,twas a great tale of survival,done the usual searches but cant find it.


chap gets sent to siberia during the dark days of stalin,meets wildernes old man in camp who teaches him about survival in the russian 'Taiga'. chap escapes harvests squirels from the squirel migration and preseves them in fat balls for the journey,finds a wolf cub and calls it 'soso' ,discovers a crashed soviet plane with dead crew but suffers the effects of some chemicle onboard,teeth fall out ,happened to have picked up the ID of the pilot,chap stumbles into a national park and colapses and is found by picnicing family,russians think he is the pilot but they burried caskets of the whole crew filled with bricks and now need to explain how this one survived,ends up in the kremlin interogator turns out to be son of old wilderness chap in the camp and the escapee gets let off free.

ring any bells ?

04-01-2014, 01:47 PM
hope this helps fish!!

08-01-2014, 12:28 PM
thanks mate will have a look.