View Full Version : A (nearly) Spring Bimble...

The Big Lebowski
04-02-2011, 01:17 AM
I thought i would go to my fave stomping ground to stretch the legs today...
Its a place I'm starting to form a very strong bond with. Each time i go, i always find something new and i am very grateful that it share's so willingly :)
And i return the respect by only taking what i need.

One good aspect of this time of year is its very easy to spot clematis branches, something i intend to try with bowdrill as hearth, and maybe even one-day hand-drill,
but that will take dedication and time...


The woodlands have lots of felled ash around, and although not in huge numbers, cramp balls can be found when you get your eye in...


A stunning collection of Artists Conk that must be a few generations old...


Beech bud, just a few weeks away from blossoming, Spring is not far away :)


My latest Fatwood finds... from an uprooted stump to a whole tree!





I consider myself honored to have found such a fantastic area, and no-doubt i will find something new on my next and future 'bimbles'


04-02-2011, 06:54 AM
You have a good eye and a way with words BL. Nice one.


04-02-2011, 08:24 AM
Nice story Al, thanks for sharing. It's made my dreary morning in the office a bit brighter. :)


04-02-2011, 11:21 AM
Lovely pictures, Lebowski. You're certainly much closer to spring than I am. With windchill this morning, it felt like 8F (-13C) during my walk to work this morning. BUT, your pictures and story warmed up the office for me this morning, thanks for sharing with us. Looks like a beautiful place to be out for a bimble (not sure if I used that word correctly, I'm American.) ;)



The Big Lebowski
04-02-2011, 03:56 PM
Thanks for the kind comment's guys :)

I take a huge ammount of pleasure reading other people's 'adventures' so i thought it only fair to share somewhere i have a bit of an affinity with....

You can almost feel the place buzzing at the moment as everything from bird to bush channels its energy into a new season,
a stark contrast from a few weeks ago!

Regards, al.

The Big Lebowski
04-02-2011, 04:16 PM
Looks like a beautiful place to be out for a bimble (not sure if I used that word correctly, I'm American.) ;) Cheers! Josh

Just looked up the word 'bimble' for you on urban dictionary... Its desription is pretty much exact :)

"To amble without real aim, yet in a friendly and harmless manner. It's not required to acheive nothing, though it is a frequent side effect. Bimbling can be made a little more business like with a slight hunch of the shoulders."

LoL!! al.

Ashley Cawley
21-02-2011, 06:20 PM
Good find there with the fatwood :) It's amazing even at this time of year sometimes you can find the odd Crampball dry inside & ready to go.

Spring is coming! :D

Thanks for sharing.

24-02-2011, 01:19 PM
Nice photies and yer right spring is not too far off.
Just one little thing though,,,, ermm, that Beech bud is a Sycamore bud.

The Big Lebowski
24-02-2011, 09:24 PM
You might be right there...

I just assumed it was a young beech, as the tree was still holding its brown leaves. I didn't actually look properly or take my books!

Lesson learned :)

Regards, al.

25-02-2011, 04:58 PM
Yep, no worries AL. :)
When I first started work in the woods many moons ago. We would be sent into an area to fell and poison them. Every size from whips to 60 foot plus. For some reason they weren’t happy if you felled a shed load of oaks instead, :innocent: so tree bud id had to be learned very quickly.

05-04-2011, 02:35 AM
Good find there with the fatwood :) It's amazing even at this time of year sometimes you can find the odd Crampball dry inside & ready to go.

Spring is coming! :D

I found a couple of winters ago that (assuming you can find one dry enough) a large cramp ball makes a great hand warmer - get it smouldering and it'll keep your hands warm for over an hour, depending on it's size of course. You also get that unique smell with it.

17-04-2011, 10:50 AM
Great pics, thanks for sharing.

Nature Unleashed
19-04-2011, 09:50 PM
Great images and a nice read. It looks like a beautiful area you have there :D I look forward to reading more in the future