View Full Version : In need of flint

21-02-2014, 10:40 AM
The flint I keep in my fire kit is wearing down, so I will soon need to replace it. But alas flint is not to be found in Norway. So I have to do as they did in the stone age...import it.
tried finding some on Ebay, but all I found where ads for ferro rods, or stuff that the seller claimed was axe heads and scrapers a gazillion years old. Well, they probably where made yesterday,
but I don't wanna risk actually destrying something that should be in a museum.

So does anyone here have some good pieces for creating sparks with a steel that they want to sell or trade?

I'll give you a Mora 911 Carbon or stainless steel knife for it :-)

Must send to Norway, but something like that you can post as a letter in a bubble wrap envelope....

21-02-2014, 12:11 PM
Hi, Fishyfolk, pm me your address and I'll post some to you next week, are you particular about the colour of the flint??

21-02-2014, 12:17 PM
Hi, Fishyfolk, pm me your address and I'll post some to you next week, are you particular about the colour of the flint??

As longs as it sparks I am all for it :-)
PM on the way :-)

27-02-2014, 10:18 AM
If you are after flint just for your fire kits, We have a load round our camp and around the area so I can send bits a pieces as well, Just PM an address and I can help as well to the Norway crowd :)