View Full Version : Fire, Fire!!!

03-03-2014, 08:27 PM
Sat here at the moment with two fire enginges out side the house trying to put out the fire in my garden. The caravan is ablaze, along with a small part of my brewing shed which I tidied up today and also the next door neighbours fence.

Panic everywhere, house stinks of smoke but not to worry. The main thing is everybody is safe, the house is insured and I'm going camping in my hammock on Saturday !!

Big T
03-03-2014, 08:29 PM
Your joking!??? What happened!?

03-03-2014, 08:31 PM
Not Jesting buddy, all gone but I managed to save the shed with buckets of water.

Big T
03-03-2014, 08:33 PM
Hell! Maybe you created too much friction with your sweeping brush earlier! Shame it happened but like you say aslong as everyones ok then thats the main thing! You didnt leave the washing out did you?;)

03-03-2014, 08:48 PM
Keep safe chap.

03-03-2014, 08:48 PM
Lol, you cheeky boy.

Everybody is a bit shaken but were fine.

03-03-2014, 08:57 PM
Glad everyone safe. Have a good hang!

03-03-2014, 09:59 PM
Thanks Rik, Thanks Rune.

The Caravan was a storeroom/occasional sleeping room and somewhere to put my mates gear. It was a doss room with a telly in it, laptop, you know what I mean, a sort of boys room. He's lost everything he owns apart from the clothes he is standing in. All his fishing gear which was worth a small fortune has gone, the lot.

The damage is a little more than I thought. Next doors fence is gone, so is their table,chairs and storage box. They have a conservatory which is bent due to heat but I know everybody is safe and insurance will hopefully sort it.

While the fire was raging, and my god was it, my pride and joy self built 20 foot homebrew shed couldn't take it no more and set alight on the corner. I managed to chuck a few washing bowls full of water on it before the heat got too bad and knocked me back. I wasn't going to try and be a hero, the kids need a dad and Tanya wants a husband but the fire officer said that this saved it from going right up.

Anyway, I'm stinking of smoke so I'm off for a shower and hopefully tomorrow will be a better day.

ian c
03-03-2014, 09:59 PM
You must be gutted mate Im glad that no one was hurt, take care and have a good time in your hammock on Sat.

03-03-2014, 11:03 PM
At least the home brew is safe Neil. Glad to hear it wasn't more serious though.

03-03-2014, 11:17 PM
You must be gutted mate Im glad that no one was hurt, take care and have a good time in your hammock on Sat.

I am gutted mate, I appreciate your concern, thankyou.

Now that a few hours have passed,the reality of what could have happened has started to hit home. About 20 years ago something similar happened to me. Without going into any gory detail, I woke up one morning with flames around me. There was an electrical fire ,and it took three flats out within minutes. For some strange reason I woke up, got out and survived.

Why I survived, I don't know. Maybe now I'm third time lucky, I really don't know.

03-03-2014, 11:25 PM
So sorry to hear that fella, dont let it weaken your willpower with the weed. Its times like this when your at your weakest. Everybody is safe,everything can be replaced and thats all that matters. Have a great weekend and try and put it out of your mind Chubbs, ATVB Ken

03-03-2014, 11:26 PM
At least the home brew is safe Neil. Glad to hear it wasn't more serious though.

Do you what mate, the fire gutted everything but I'm sure that I saw a couple of gallons of wine at the back of the caravan that were still alive !!!!!!

I'm going to have a look tomorrow before I phone the insurers so heres hoping.

04-03-2014, 09:37 AM
So sorry to hear that mate! While everyone is okay which is a fantastic, it's still a headache you don't need.
Good luck with the insurance company mate!

04-03-2014, 10:38 AM
Sorry to hear that mate!

04-03-2014, 10:46 AM
Sorry to hear this mate, glad everyone was OK

04-03-2014, 11:09 AM
My thoughts are with you all,great upheaval,But time n hopefully the Insurance WILL SORT THINGS OUT!
Don't think you've got bad luck!!,You've got good luck n a charmed life because your all safe!!.

04-03-2014, 03:39 PM
:shocked: Ye Gods!
Glad you're alright...I hope everything lost can be in some way recovered.

Ashley Cawley
04-03-2014, 04:07 PM
Jees! :( Sorry to hear that Neil, glad to hear everyone was OK.

04-03-2014, 07:18 PM
Do you what mate, the fire gutted everything but I'm sure that I saw a couple of gallons of wine at the back of the caravan that were still alive !!!!!!

I'm going to have a look tomorrow before I phone the insurers so heres hoping.

Hey Neil, when you phone the insurers make sure you tell them about that brand new Tentipi Safir 7 you had in the caravan ! come to think of it you better mention the Diamond encrusted solid gold Gransfors Small forest axe as well.

Shame about those two cases of chateau Lafite Rothschild 1982 but hey ho! that's why you have insurance ::wink:

Glad you're all safe fella
