View Full Version : Interesting day

07-02-2011, 07:02 PM
Set off early morning for a jaunt around my local woods, mainly to gather birch bark off fallen trees to extract birch oil, and getting up to other bushcraft shananagans, and only seeing one other person walking their dog all day. Then late afternoon i bumped into half a dozen guys working in the wood who were on comunity payback scheme, and after 10 mins of chat i was asked why i was walking round on such a cold very windy day, After explaining about bushcraft it wasn`t long before the guys were striking flints,checking out kit,and asking a multitude off questions whilst filming demos on their phones. And after about an hour, arrangements were made along with their supervisor to spend a day bushcrafting when the weather warms a little. All were very enthusiastic, and on reflection i thought that perhaps if some of the guys had been given the chance to learn something like bushcraft earlier in their lives they would not be doing payback now. But maybe learning something of bushcraft on a day out may just ignite a coal?:jumping-joy:just thought i`d like to share this.

07-02-2011, 07:14 PM
nice one, always a good cause when sharing with others who have an interest.

08-02-2011, 08:08 AM
If you can get them off the booze and into the forest for one weekend then maybe they'll see there is more to life, even if only one of them does that would be a good thing!