View Full Version : Maps for GPS units (free)

13-03-2014, 02:24 PM
I have just loaded some Opensource maps to my Garmin Etrex 20 that are free of charge. :D

Now I reckon that these are possibly not as good as the Garmin branded maps but they are much better than the standard basemap that comes with the unit.
The detail is, in my opinion, pretty flippin' good. Now I can see where the woods are for the trees....;)

The website is http://talkytoaster.info/ukmaps.htm

Having the files emailed to me a month ago has not produced any spam mail from this guy and I got round to loading them on the Etrex today without a hitch following his instructions here http://talkytoaster.info/free-uk-maps-faq.htm

I am not affiliated with this site other than quite impressed with the resource and thought it might be of interest to others, don't forget a paper map and a compass should be your main nav kit, even my Tom Tom got it very wrong in Spain and tried to send us over a 40 foot cliff in the camper!


13-03-2014, 03:05 PM
Hi Fraxinus
Please forgive my ignorance as far as GPS is concerned, I was most interested to see you're thread.
Now I am of the old, old school and have only ever used a map and compass, but recently purchased a second hand Garmin Etrex Personal Navigator 12 channel GPS. Like I said forgive my ignorance and not wanting to sound stupid. The Etrex is in as new condition, it came with the owners manual a cd and a couple of leads but the more I read the manual the deeper in the dark I get (I'm hopeless I know). Would you happen to know if you can download maps into this thing or is it only a cheaper version or to long in the tooth like me?
Hope you can advise my friend.

Just out of interest what part of Kent are you in, I'm in Sheerness and no one does bushcraft around here so I'm on the lookout for people who are fairly close, my other problem is I don't have a car so I have to rely on a friend so I don't get out as often as i would like.

ATB Simon

13-03-2014, 03:47 PM
Hi Simon, If it is the one I think it is then no you can't load maps onto it, however, it is still a good unit. When we took a barge to france one of the guys had one to plot our course (Faversham to Calais) and to check speed, (new engine and prop').
It will still tell you where you are and track your trail back to base camp or drop off point.
Currently in foggy Whitstable, not been able to see your island all day!
Last year I used mine without maps to track my paddling trips which I then loaded onto Google Earth (which works well with Garmin) like this.

https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-D0l5VwJ6IbA/Ug4DT6pYBrI/AAAAAAAADPg/NLYsEPNj-eU/s800/Hampton%2520Pier%2520To%2520Herne%2520Bay.jpg?gl=G B
Trip out around the old pier head
ATB Rob.

13-03-2014, 06:47 PM
Hi Rob, thanks for your help I guess its something I've got to keep playing with.
Tell me do you do any river canoeing, and do you use an open topped canadian type canoe?
I would love to give river canoeing a go, but not in the sea as I can't swim "To far to the bank" lol
Kind Regards