View Full Version : Lessons learned

22-03-2014, 03:56 PM
We had quite a blower here in Troms last night...

http://translate.google.com/translate?sl=no&tl=en&js=n&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nordlys.no%2Fnyheter%2Farticle7 244957.ece

Tonje Helen Blomseth, a 19 year old adventurer (17 years old she walked Norway from North cape to southern end) who is onan expedition to cross Finland, Sweden and Norway got into trouble.

Durin the night her tent poles broke, and she chose to pack her kit, but left it in place when she left. After walking for a while, she chose to turn back to her kit. Now her tracks have blown over, and she can't find her kit. She tries to dig a snow shelter, but does not manage it, and chooses to set off her emergency beacon. After looking som more she finds her kit and managed to dig some kind of shelter. But she is wet and cold and starts to walk around to keep warm. She is eventually found by a SAR chopper. But there is a misunderstanding and they leave her there, as she tell them she is capable of walking don on her own and self rescue. And she does this and it ends well.

What could she have done better? (not judging anyone, but we could all learn from this)

1. She probably panicked when her tent was destroyed. I do not blame her for that. (it ripped open when she tried to repair it in the strong wind)
But I do not think she should have left her kit. You never do that. Ever! It's what will keep you allive.
The right thing would be to dig in, and get into the sleeping bag and wait it out.

2. The SAR crew leaving her there allone, wet, and in that state...now that is plain wrong in my oppinion. Even if she confirmed she was okay, they should have taken her with them
just to be on the safe side...

What do you think can be learned?