View Full Version : Dartmoor at Ivan's

09-02-2011, 03:07 PM
I hope it's not a problem me posting cross forums,
But I wanted to let you know I am helping Ivan to arrange a taster camp on BushcraftUK (I don't know if that's like swearing on here) and there may be some interested bodies after the great time a few of you had there the other week.

Here's the link http://www.bushcraftuk.com/forum/showthread.php?t=68552

Ashley Cawley
22-03-2011, 08:43 PM
...I am helping Ivan to arrange a taster camp on BushcraftUK (I don't know if that's like swearing on here)... lol! :p Not at all! I love BCUK - Learnt so much from the knowledgeable folk on there, only wish I had more time so I could visit BCUK like I used to.

Wish I knew about the BCUK Meet that happened at Ivan's I would have tried to have gone.

22-03-2011, 09:33 PM
lol! :p Not at all! I love BCUK - Learnt so much from the knowledgeable folk on there, only wish I had more time so I could visit BCUK like I used to.

Wish I knew about the BCUK Meet that happened at Ivan's I would have tried to have gone.

It hasn't happened yet. It's this weekend Ash. ;)


23-03-2011, 06:37 AM
You guys know you are welcome anytime, Natural Bushcraft was my first peep at this game , taught me an awful lot, still learning at a rate of knots too !! Made some good mates and pointed me in the right direction , without you lot id probably have one of those nasty commercial sites, you have opened a whole new world for me and i am loving it ! Thankyou ..atb Ivan..

ps have to start about planning a shindig up here soon !!

23-03-2011, 03:52 PM
It hasn't happened yet. It's this weekend Ash. ;)


Nope mate, not this weekend as it's the Mother's Day Weekend that it's happening. Weekend 1st to the 3rd :)

23-03-2011, 05:10 PM
Nope mate, not this weekend as it's the Mother's Day Weekend that it's happening. Weekend 1st to the 3rd :)

So it is. :ashamed:


Ashley Cawley
23-03-2011, 06:12 PM
ahar! - I assumed it had already been and gone for some reason! I'll have to check my schedule and see if I can make it.

24-03-2011, 12:21 PM
think i'm at a wedding that w/end but my be able to pop down for one night or a day?

25-03-2011, 04:18 PM
Hi Raven nice to hear from you, if you can turn up at sometime during the weekend that would be brill youy know where we will be. atb Ivan

Adam Savage
29-03-2011, 07:49 PM
Anyone that is going it will be a great time. Ivan is a top host and will leave you wanting more come home time. It's a magic place, well organised and presented.


Adam Savage
04-04-2011, 12:34 PM
It was a great weekend, even if most of the NBC lads couldn't attend. I forgot the camera but managed to get a couple decent shots with my phone.

Early Sunday morning



And an arty skyline at around midday Sunday too


04-04-2011, 12:54 PM
Wish I could have gone looks great. Was the sky really that colour or have you given it a cyanotype effect LOL.
Seriously though. Looks a lovely place.


Adam Savage
04-04-2011, 02:20 PM
I did tweak that photo a little LOL. here's the original. My poor old camera phone struggled a little with the contrast of white fluffy cloud against blue sky with green/brown trees in the foreground. And it is a great place, even when we had a small drop of rain as everyone had either taken down or was in the process of taking down, camp. I'm sure there will be another meet down that way soon. I think Ivan was planning an NBC shindig at some point, although I could be wrong.


Ben Casey
04-04-2011, 06:46 PM
Like the pics mate :)

Adam Savage
04-04-2011, 06:53 PM
Thanks Ben. You'll have to join us down there some time. Ivan can give you a lift some or all of the way from the RVP to base camp, on his quad as it's a good 10 minutes of stone lane, undulating moorland and boggy forest track with kit

Ben Casey
04-04-2011, 07:11 PM
Thanks Ben. You'll have to join us down there some time. Ivan can give you a lift some or all of the way from the RVP to base camp, on his quad as it's a good 10 minutes of stone lane, undulating moorland and boggy forest track with kit

That would be great we will have to get it sorted I'm have it penciled in to go on the roadtrip in June I just need to work out dtaes and stuff now:)

Adam Savage
04-04-2011, 07:15 PM
That would be great we will have to get it sorted I'm have it penciled in to go on the roadtrip in June I just need to work out dtaes and stuff now:)

Like I mentioned on another post somewhere, Ivan was planning a shindig at his for the NBC crew. Have a word with him about it and he might be able to work it in with your dates and Martins ten tors event. get the whole bunch together in one foul swoop

Ben Casey
04-04-2011, 07:37 PM
Like I mentioned on another post somewhere, Ivan was planning a shindig at his for the NBC crew. Have a word with him about it and he might be able to work it in with your dates and Martins ten tors event. get the whole bunch together in one foul swoop

I will do mate just sorting kit and stuff at the min so will have to get on and check dates and then sort it all.

04-04-2011, 08:20 PM
Like I mentioned on another post somewhere, Ivan was planning a shindig at his for the NBC crew. Have a word with him about it and he might be able to work it in with your dates and Martins ten tors event. get the whole bunch together in one foul swoop

Depending on dates, and if its open invite, I'd like to meet everyone, so would be up for a 'shindig' at Ivans, if he doesn't mind.

Adam Savage
04-04-2011, 08:39 PM
I'll PM him about everything and see what He says.

04-04-2011, 08:51 PM
Hello chaps , im here for a min , I am up for a meet any time that suits , sort some dates out and we will have an international meet , you know Cornish , Welsh , Devonian , Northampton, Essex etc , you know me Adam any excuse for a camp and tiny fire !!, youve seen how it works buddy !!

04-04-2011, 08:52 PM
Sorry Ben , forgot suffolk ! used to go to Fontwell to work many years ago . come on down !

Ben Casey
04-04-2011, 08:55 PM
Thats the plan to get on down it sounds great at yours.

Adam Savage
04-04-2011, 08:55 PM
Sorry Ben , forgot suffolk ! used to go to Fontwell to work many years ago . come on down !

I just wrote an almighty letter of severe...well...mild...grovelling, to you lol

Adam Savage
04-04-2011, 08:57 PM
Hello chaps , im here for a min , I am up for a meet any time that suits , sort some dates out and we will have an international meet , you know Cornish , Welsh , Devonian , Northampton, Essex etc , you know me Adam any excuse for a camp and tiny fire !!, youve seen how it works buddy !!

Is corwall actually classed as another country now? I know they have been wanting it for many years ;)

04-04-2011, 08:59 PM
Sorry bud thought you were quiet , well answered some questions ther didnt i , and Ben not being personal but dont worry about a thing , i got a quad , and Adam pushes it so we will be fine , and as you boys are travelling a long way stay as long as you want !!

Adam Savage
04-04-2011, 09:09 PM
Sorry bud thought you were quiet , well answered some questions ther didnt i , and Ben not being personal but dont worry about a thing , i got a quad , and Adam pushes it so we will be fine , and as you boys are travelling a long way stay as long as you want !!

Yeah, if you get stuck I can nudge it up the hill for ya lol. I think it would be faster walking though, when I left Ivan's he headed off a couple minutes before me on the quad and I was walking, still got back to my car, sorted my pack out and changed my jacket by the time he got there, although he did find two small children on the way lol

Ben Casey
04-04-2011, 09:11 PM
Sorry bud thought you were quiet , well answered some questions ther didnt i , and Ben not being personal but dont worry about a thing , i got a quad , and Adam pushes it so we will be fine , and as you boys are travelling a long way stay as long as you want !!

Thats real good of you Ivan I will check with Ken but we could be there for the weekend the 10 till 14th of June if that was okay but the days could move forward a bit or extend to be a bit longer if that was ok? We are hoping to do the Lakes on the first weekend then drive down stopping in Wales for a day or two then onto yours if that sounds like a plan? Then maybe some of the guys could plan something to we are hoping to get to see as much as we can and meet as many of you guys at the same time.

04-04-2011, 09:14 PM
Sounds like a plan to me , i dont need too much encouragement to camp , light fires , chatter on ,cook ,beers etc ...

Ben Casey
04-04-2011, 09:17 PM
Sounds like a plan to me , i dont need too much encouragement to camp , light fires , chatter on ,cook ,beers etc ...

Thats great then mate I will put it in the planner here I can send you a PM with number just incase you need it at soome point :D

04-04-2011, 09:17 PM
Well, that weekend sounds like a good one for the Ten Tors challenge. We could pitch up on the Friday night, set off early on Saturday and be back for Sunday tea time. Let's see how things pan out.


04-04-2011, 09:18 PM
Hey Ad , i was taking it real steady coz of the kids , and you treated it like a route march , anyway ive got your paracord !!

04-04-2011, 09:20 PM
Hello Martin , blimey thats torn it now ill have to hoover up and remain at base camp with hot nourishing food and luxury items for your return !!

04-04-2011, 09:21 PM
Hello Martin , blimey thats torn it now ill have to hoover up and remain at base camp with hot nourishing food and luxury items for your return !!

Very tempting mate, very tempting. :)


Adam Savage
04-04-2011, 09:33 PM
Hey Ad , i was taking it real steady coz of the kids , and you treated it like a route march , anyway ive got your paracord !!

Steady? you? nah I know you did mate, and don't worry about the cord, I have over 100 ft of it here still lol